Hallo Dawse. Thank you for checking in. Been having a bit of a rough time health-wise (fibromyalgia flare up that has lasted too long 😕). Keeping everything crossed that I'm turning a corner now 🤞🏼 How are you doing? Getting to see much of your grandbabies? I hope you're ok as can be x


Hello, thank you for checking in. Had lots of boring health stuff taking a lot of my time and energy as I had a nasty fibromyalgia flare up (this whole year, really). I have been wondering how everyone is and meaning to pop by and say hi sooner. How are things where you are? Ok enough, I hope? x


Certain chronic pain forms—eg migraine and fibromyalgia—are more prevalent in ♀ than in ♂ . Recent findings suggest that the cause might be biological, with sex-based differences in pain perception at the cellular level:

Groundbreaking study uncovers male-female differences in pain-sensing nerve cells
Groundbreaking study uncovers male-female differences in pain-sensing nerve cells

Researchers discovered that nociceptors, the nerve cells responsible for transmitting pain, function differently in males and females, leading to sex-specific responses to pain stimuli. This finding s...


You inspired me to do the calming my tits thing As someone else with bipolar and PTSD (and fibromyalgia) I understand how stress can light up our bodies like a Christmas tree Unfortunately, in this world, besides taking pills, calming our tits/coping skills/problem solving is all we CAN do


Thé paper feels super hopeful to me, I’ve required about LDN and been told it was approved by health Canada for fibromyalgia but this paper gives me hope in bringing it up with my new doctor.


Didn't sleep last night, for the 2nd night in a row (thanks Fibro.) Probably why I feel like garbage microwaved in an oven or something. #Chronicallyill#Fibromyalgia#Sleepapnea


My relationship with my Fibromyalgia, ngl


I keep hoping maybe if we can get enough medical professionals to take LC seriously it will have a spillover effect to the rest of us. I know a lot of folks who got ME and/or fibromyalgia after swine flu too (self included). I started yelling every time people said "it's just a flu" about COVID.