I do have to say, and this is completely off topic, "circlesx" would be a great name for the developers of the organometallic multiconscious starships I'm developing for my show if it was taking a slightly goofier tone.

Inverted image of the original sketch for the ship faces. Based on the structure of a actin microtubule molecule complex in flagella and ancient Merkavah and proto-Christian mystic ascension magic ritual diagrams. It features many circles and crossed lines.
Photograph of an off cut that has been wrapped in wrinkled rubber sheets and painted silver, iridescent purple, and black sitting on top of the main ship body carved out of green foam.

Viscotaxis of Beating Flagella at Surfaces Shubham Anand, Jens Elgeti, Gerhard Gompper

Viscotaxis of Beating Flagella at Surfaces
Viscotaxis of Beating Flagella at Surfaces

arXiv abstract link


(BioRxiv All) Elucidation of the glycan structure of the b-type flagellin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1: Flagella are essential for motility and pathogenicity in many bacteria. The main component of the flagellar filament, flagellin, often undergoes…


New study: TldRs evolve from TnpB nucleases, function as RNA-guided repressors. Prophages use them to remodel host flagella. IonOpticks Aurora Ultimate CSI column enables detailed proteomic analysis of flagellar samples. Learn more:

TnpB homologues exapted from transposons are RNA-guided transcription factors - IonOpticks
TnpB homologues exapted from transposons are RNA-guided transcription factors - IonOpticks

This tnpb homologues study by Wiegand et al. was conducted utilizing a 25cm IonOpticks Aurora Ultimate CSI UHPLC column


Thanks for the share! I'm Rodrigo, a designer, illustrator and biotechnologist from Brazil. I love science illustration and used to do speculative biology concepts for the Sagan 4 team project. My work is traditional media: graphite, colored pencils and ballpoint pens. #SciArt#ArtShare#SpecEvo

Southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis). Graphite drawing. The scene shows an adult bird in low grass with open wings near its family, screaming and showing the bony extensions under the wings in an attempt to move intruders away.
Sagan 4 Cave Bubblehorns. Colored pencils illustration. Five shelled beetle-slug-like creatures with ten legs known for their peculiar feeler head appendages in different shapes, created for the Sagan 4 team project.
Sagan 4 Limeworms. Colored pencils illustration. Five winged worm concepts made for the speculative biology project known as Sagan 4, created in 2006 and inspired by the Spore game. The creatures share the same body structure: a cephalothorax with a pair of bristled antennas, two pairs of wings and a retractable mouth; a segmented body with small eyes in the back, and an abdomen with two grasping pieces.
Sagan 4 Viridiluminia. Colored pencils illustration. An assortment of unicellular green algae in different shapes, with reinforced cell walls, cilia, pseudopods or flagella, made for the Sagan 4 team project.

Super excited to be guest editing a Journal of Cell Science 🌟special 🌟 issue on our favourite organelles

Flyer for the JCS special edition with a confocal image of wild-type mouse tracheal epithelial cells marked by cilia (magenta), centrioles (yellow) and cell boundaries (cyan).

I did do a little vector illustration I named Rizzo for the FEMS international microorganism day mascot... But you're right - it would be fun to have one in this style, with its proper name!

Vector cartoon of a Rhizobium bacterium called Rizzo. It has a light green body, a turquoise capsule, two cartoony eyes, a big grin and three dark green flagella.

A new pathogen portrait: Serratia marcescens... which is opportunistic and likes to hang out in hospitals. Find out more about Serratia here: I'm looking for friendlier microbes to draw from time to time too - do let me know if any occur to you! 🐡🧪🔬

Cartoon of a rod shaped bacterium, wearing a spotty shower cap, holding a towel. Flagella are falling out of the shower cap and its expression is one of tired watchful waiting. The writing spells the bacterium's name, Serratia marcescens. The background is light, with mottled pink and blue abstract textures.