Found this tiny fungus hiding in the lichen (top & underside of the same one)🍄📷


🍄📷 Out of darkness, light.

A tiny white birch polypore fungus comes out from a dark crack on a birch tree trunk.

If it’s not cancerous tumours, it’s mutants who can stretch their bodies, human lampreys, people who grow their heads back, men who can accelerate the growth of fungus through enzymes, vampires who consume fat tissues, and that’s before we get to Home.


Fungus or something else? Had a few patches of this pop up in my otherwise nice fescue lawn. Been getting a TON of water between rain and seeding in other spots of the lawn. Is this a fungus due to overwatering? Or do I need to …

Fungus or something else?
Fungus or something else?

Had a few patches of this pop up in my otherwise nice fescue lawn. Been getting a TON of water between rain and seeding in other spots of the lawn. Is this a fungus due to overwatering? Or do I need to dig it out and reseed these spots too?by JPMcGavin


Trump yard signs popped up like a malevolent fungus here in the more-rural counties of central Virginia while I was away. I don’t love it.


More soggy season 'shrooms. Mostly various patches of very large mushrooms along a busy but tree lined and sheltered grass verge. Just once, it would be nice to see one that's not fungus brown with my own eyes. #fungifriends

Tiny single brown and white mushroom barely poking through the grass and weeds.
Small brown button type mushroom clump on a roadside grassy kerb.
Single textured brown mushroom grown taller that the grassy kerb it's in.
Three orangey brown mushrooms in various stages of growth beside a tree on a roadside grass verge. One with the largest flatest top is starting to split and is past its best. A tiny one on its right is just starting to unfurl. The third one is frilly looking and twisted.

“We think that, basically, humans have turned to a fungus to grow on something that we can’t eat,” Hill-Maini says. “The fungus then breaks it down, makes more of itself, and in doing so makes it more palatable.” And more nutritious, too: The researchers found that fermentation increased the […]


F(x)tec Pro1-X with Sanxian Menzi. Shot in Dalian, China. #Fxtec#Pro1X#Menzi

F(x)tec Pro1-X (the slide keyboard mobile phone) with Sanxian Menzi. (include some sauce, shrimp, black fungus, and carrots)  Shot in Dalian, China.