Genderqueer as in I may dress like your Grandpa, baseball cap and all or you may see me out in total slut mode wearing essentially a large napkin hardly covering my tits. And everything in between. You never know w me ! 😇💗


Der Mitbewohner fragte mich eben: "Was ist denn das mit LGBTQ und so hier bei dir eigentlich? Du beschäftigst dich doch nicht einfach so damit?" Joa und dann hab ich mich ihm gegenüber als genderqueer und Bi geoutet.


High pony still remains undefeated.

Me taking a mirror selfie. I'm a white genderqueer person with long dirty blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. I've got glasses & am wearing an Obvious Tells t-shirt

idk where I was going with this, just genderqueer characters having genderqueer talks

A 4 panel comic involving Jasmine [black, bungirl with curly hair], Mars [human with short black hair], and Judas [broad shouldered elf with long light wavy hair]
Panel 1: Jasmine is looking lovingly at Mars as they rest on the couch with Jasmine resting on top of him, arms crossed.
Panel 2: 
Jasmine: Do you think our relationship's considered gay? Or maybe sapphic?
Mars: Ah, whatever makes you happy
Panel 3: Judas pops out of nowhere from behind couch, the weirdo they are. 
Judas: Labels are overcomplicated as they are. Merely to placate the society's desire for putting people in - [s/he is cut off immediately by Jasmine]
Jasmine: I DO want to be called a good girl tho!
panel 4:
Judas who is painfully genderqueer haltingly responds: I- No, that is very valid, though, yes

Gentle pushback: I am genderqueer. I am an author, and if long COVID hadn’t taken me out, I would still be a library worker in one of the most contentious periods of book challenges. I understand story, I understand queerness, and I absolutely understand the politics of how they go together.


I'm a deaf genderqueer artist that draws/writes queer and trans characters! mostly NSFW here!


Hello! 💜 Genderqueer bi ace here, writing queer fantasy books for adults and teens! 📚


Temos ursos trans, ursos não-binários, e coelhos de gênero fluido. Uma verdadeira fábrica de personagens genderqueer. (Arte por Dogboots via Tumblr.) Original:

Print da página da Wiki Ursinhos Carinhosos (em inglês) mostrando a categoria "Gênero Ambíguo".
O texto introdutório explica que se trata de personagens com gênero ambíguo, desconhecido, não-especificado, e/ou que mudaram ao longo da franquia.
O contador mostra que há 64 artigos nesta categoria.
Os personagens em destaque são: Ursinho Raio de Sol, Urso Amigo, "Togetherness Bear", "Trick-or-Sweet Bear", Urso Secreto, Coelho Coração Veloz, "America Cares Bear", e Elefante Coração de Montão
Ursinho Raio de Sol segura uma bandeira Trans, enquanto Coelho Coração Veloz deita de bruços ao lado esquerdo, e Elefante Coração de Montão senta ao lado direito.
O fundo é azul, com contornos simples de nuvens e estrelas.

Liongender is an acceptance and combination of multiple simultaneous gender feelings under one banner. It is a happy encompassing of male, agender, genderqueer, genderfluid, and nonbinary.