went to baes for lunch in portland today. got a chicken sandwich that we asked to please cut in half. and a 3 chicken tenders plate. it was obvious to the order taker we were splitting both items so they threw in an extra tender. a small & very appreciated gesture. we need more kindness like that.


It's genuinely fascinating that youtube comments on old songs have become a collective memorial for lost loved ones, outrageous lies, people pouring their heart out at 3am. If you're looking for the dream of a shared online experience it lives her

Youtube vid of Minnie Riperton's 'Les Fleurs'

Commenter wrote "I sat next to Minnie on a flight back to Chicago, back in the early 70s and she was uncomfortable flying. We talked easily throughout the flight and she didn't realize [it] was over until we touched down. As we were disembarking, she thanked me for making her feel at ease & surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. Truly, I was Kissed By An Angel and her gesture stands as a memorable highlight in my 77 years on this planet. RIP Minnie, you are missed by many, including myself.

Overly dramatic? Moi?

Some sort of preying mantis type insect with its arms stretched towards the sky in a dramatic gesture

It's not a faux pas, it's basic disrespect to your audience. It takes less than a minute to describe your work and show courtesy to those who need it. This isn't the noble gesture you seem to think. Art is our only income at the moment so don't tell us how hard it is to make it as an artist lol


Too bad this was via text so they couldn’t read your response (I’m just assuming it was the jerk-off hand gesture)


Hey Proxy, are you...... y'know...... #zenlesszonezero

Piper from Zenless Zone Zero doing the gay-implicating limp wrist gesture

Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul. Whip smart and buttoned up so tight you can barely ever see her break but at the same time every tiny gesture contains untold volumes.

Kim Wexler

If you ever want to see the dumbest part of humanity, ride in a Waymo, and watch the idiots around you honk and gesture at your car


Battery is unlawful touching, and they shoved her out of the way to get political pictures with Trump doing a smiley face and thumbs up gesture at the graves of dead soldiers because he's a fucking monster who has no sense of propriety or other people.


Desenhei a personagem da pra treinar gesture e resolvi pintar bem básico 🫶