Along with some weird retcons involving Iris West but hey, what matters is that Bart is introduced and itā€™s a really good and awesome story. Bart himself starts out as more of a plot device to further Wally's character growth by shoving even more responsibility on top of (ā€¦)


i hope that something like that would be used for growth but thinking about it, i feel like people would min/max it for payouts and not be genuine ... but then again, that's still spreading positivity, so maybe it would be worth it c'mon twitch pay people for being good!!!


(In case it isn't obvious, which it should be, growth in the number of households is far larger than population growth. I presume you aren't arguing for a return to 1971 housing conditions?)


I mute so many hot-take shit stirrers on here every day, I guess that's the price of growth.


It really isn't. Population growth isn't the issue, it is number of households. And the total housing stock is beside the point, it is where it is that is crucial. Housing quality and infrastructural support, sure, no argument there. But the first half is nonsense.


Sure itā€™s racist and xenophobic, but itā€™s also completely innumerate and ahistorical. Effect of 2M new immigrant voters depends on where theyā€™d be located and growth in voters overall. California elected 2 GOP governors and a GOP senator + dozens of House members since 1986.


"Net immigration increasingly drives population growth and accounts for all population growth beginning in 2040, in part because fertility rates remain below the rate that would be required for a generation to replace itself in the absence of immigration."

The Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054
The Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054

In CBOā€™s projections, the U.S. population increases from 342 million people in 2024 to 383 million people in 2054. Net immigration increasingly drives population growth, accounting for all population ...


look at me, not being petty. this is tremendous personal growth: Instead, iā€™m eating my feelings. #WhoDat anyway


Shit like this is frustrating because it's never enough help. It's always just barely enough to keep someone alive. There's no opportunity for growth to improve their life. Like got damn, one of the richest STATES shouldn't have the issues we do. It's all cutting off our nose to spite our face shit


Abaddon, my beloved [He/She/Hole] Abaddon's got so many fun quirks about her, she's a personification of my hedonism and indulgence. As a ghost-type his form is semi-malleable, and her cum is so calorie dense that anyone who partakes will walk away muuuch heavier. #AlethiaArtsNSFW#AlethiasToys

a ref sheet of a blue and purple bigender anthro hisuian typholosion. she has a maw marking on her belly and the flame vents on her haunches and shoulders also look like teeth. he has a pussy and tailhole, but she also has hyper cock n balls. her cock shape is variable but always MASSIVE
Abaddon is lying on his back and oozing from both his holes after getting creampied. her massive horsecock is drooping limply over her ass and drooling cum, adding to the mess. Abaddon's belly has a microbiome that automatically ferments anything that goes inside it, leaving her tipsy after getting filled sufficiently full. Even while pregnant, she's immune to the adverse effects of alcohol except the actual sensation of being intoxicated.
a threesome NSFW piece featuring Geir the rainbow thresher shark [he/him], Owyn the DILF-y arcanine [he/him] and Abaddon the hisuian typhlosion [He/She/Hole]. 

Abaddon is being lifted up by Owyn and Geir so that she can be double-penetrated. Her face is being smuched by Geir's huge, ridged shark hemipenis as Geir cums onto her belly. Owyn is penetrating Abaddon vaginally with his huge black knotted cock. Abaddon's hyper purple horsecock is flaring and bouncing as she gets fcuked from both ends. 

There are splash pannels including Abaddon sucking on Geir's cock while his second cock rubs wetly against her face, and Abaddon being flipped onto her front to be fucked doggy style by Owyn.
a bigender anthro hisuian typhlosion rests atop her preposterously swollen belly and balls and looks behind her with a slightly tipsy, but smoldering stare that invites you to come closer. The flame vents on her shoulders, neck, and haunches release wisps of lavender and silveryblue flames. Abaddon is capable of burning any calories she consumes and turning it into bodily growth. he prefers to expand his belly or her balls and cock, but technically any body part is on the table. this effect is also temporarily granted to anyone who imbibes her cum, especially when she's already bloated.