But above all, structural inequality means that poor and marginalised people bear the deadliest brunt of climate change. And this is *exactly* what that means. So if you've ever decried climate change fuelled by billionaires, don't ever say, "why didn't they just evacuate??" Fix your hearts.


Structural inequality impacts everything. Structural inequality keeps poor people poor, because God forbid Louisiana pass legislation that might benefit a Black person. Structural inequality keeps people tied to low paying, abusive jobs with no hope of better.


Climate change is linked to inequality and immigration. Neither will be solved unless global agreements can be reached and western countries invest in poorer countries' economies. I will not be alive when that happens, and it will not happen whilst we have politicians who think in electoral cycles.


The term is more or less exclusively a gamer expression, which cheapens the real issue of interregional inequality in the UK, and then also uses the expression wrong. Eurospeak "convergence" and "cohesion" are both far clearer and more appropriate for this.


Every day that passes convinces me more and more than Piketty's Capital & Capital and Ideology were the two most important books I will read, certainly for the next 30 years. It's all inequality all the way down baby


Not just wealth inequality. More like that random finance idiots get tax free money and get rewarded for doing *nothing*


i do still think about this thing that wrote

[unstyled text from a gemini page or whatever the fuck they call pages]

washing and anointment of the feet

the intention of this ritual is to establish a bond of service (ideally mutual but without expectation or obligation), strength, and protection between two lovers through an act of humility. it reflects the affection one has for another, respecting both as cocreators of the relationship. it identifies a willing and acknowledged inequality in this relationship - a powerful being expressing subservience and desire to satisfy.