Hail Thoth, Kemetic God of wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art, judgment, and the dead, in all of His guises.


There is a Kemetic Reddit group and that is where I got these book recs. I highly recommend it - I’m not Kemetic just a witch who has had enough of that pantheon say hi I’m very enmeshed in learning about them. Hope this helps and didn’t spam up your question!


Hail Sekhmet, Kemetic Goddess of War and Healing, in all of Her guises.


if I post enough kemetic memes, will it scare away the random christians that keep following me

a text meme featuring ancient Egyptian art of the goddess Taweret and Ammit the devourer, where Ammit is leaning over Taweret's shoulder. it reads; "When you and a coworker bond over the dislike of another coworker:"
a text meme that has the funeral mask of King Tut edited onto it, it reads; 

"When jack shit happened during your reign but you get to be super famous because nobody bothered to nick your bling" 

(as king tut) "didn't expect that reaction but that's okay"
a picture meme of a group of women to the left dressed up in black and red party dresses, while someone in the back right is dressed in pj's and eating food. The women are labeled "the scales", "anubis", "thoth", "ma'at", and the "feather of truth"-- while the person in pj's is labeled "ammit devouring human hearts"
a text meme with ancient Egyptian carvings depicting an offering to the Aten solar disc, and the offerings uncannily look like the Pi symbol. it reads; "COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: bake 2 pies in the sun for 90 minutes"

Hail Khonsu, Kemetic God of the Moon, in all of His guises.


I was intrigued by this brother long locs and a Headwrap with kemetic symbols on it...The conversation took a wrong turn when he starts spouting about homosexuality and feminism. "It's why people don't take women seriously" "You want to act like men"