Re-reading Beautiful World, Where Are You — which I read the second it came out, and not since — and really struck by this section in one of Alice’s emails (I can’t stand it when people say they skip the emails. The emails are the PLOT.)

And then they go away and write their sensitive little novels about 'ordinary life'. The truth is they know nothing about ordinary life. Most of them haven't so much as glanced up against the real world in decades. These people have been sitting with white linen tablecloths laid out in front of them and complaining about bad reviews since 1983. I just don't care what they think about ordinary people. As far as I'm concerned they're speaking from a false position when they speak about that. Why don't they write about the kind of lives they really lead, and the kind of things that really obsess them? Why do they pretend to be obsessed with death and grief and fascism-when really they're obsessed with whether their latest book will be reviewed in the New York Times?
Sally Rooney
Beautiful World, Where Are You: from the internationally bestselling author of Normal People