this thread devolving into yearning for vampire women literally immediately is still the highlight of my posting career i think


I'm not sure if delegates going against the popular vote has ever *literally* been the case in Kentucky in particular, I'm just complaining about the stupidity of showing favoritism toward Republicans by their districting, and it becoming a circular "Kentucky is red because it's red" thing.


Like the calls to deport 20 million are literally "let's cancel SS/Medicare now and let the old people fend for themselves". There are non-selfish reasons to change our policies, but why is no one at least talking about the selfish reasons?


Sorry I haven't been drawing as much lately. I think its literally because I stopped bringing an energy drink with me to work every day.


is it so much to ask for my family to buy a few snacks for me instead of choosing literally everything i hate.


Reading this👇it seems that he developed his ideas via scale models - literally stick-string-and-paper, rubber-band powered macquettes. Bloody incredible….!


The Guardian is not a news organisation. It is simply the PR department of the British state. And I mean that specifically; Tory papers do this to a degree but they are ultimately outriders for capital. The Graun is the loudest voice for "nothing must ever change", has been since the Snowden debacle

Screenshot of tweet by Rivkah Brown @rivkahbrown. Referring to review of book "Taken as Red" by the vile little toad Tom Watson, a rabid anti-socialist, Blairite hack and failed MP:

First Ed Balls interviewing his wife on GMB, now the Guardian inviting Tom Watson to review a book about the Labour party - literally what is the point of this beyond eroding trust in the media? People aren't thick

Someone broke into our car they told us "fill out an online form for your insurance" Literally admitted there would be no follow up or anything else. Like we didn't care but just how fucking blunt they were about it