Gente juro to com dor muscular


or the disappointing, one-album-only collaboration between Ginger Baker and Curtis Mayfield. Who knew muscular polyrhythms and silky, socially conscious falsetto would clash so thoroughly?


Probably not! I think there are lots of muscular changes that happen and then we compensate to try to avoid pain or discomfort. One thing you can do now is strengthen your core, particularly your abs. Your body works agonist/antagonist so a strong ab will help support the low back


Memória muscular é um negócio bom demais bicho


gente eu fiz uma massagem terapeutica hj e foi aquele tipo de coisa que mudou o rumo da minha vida Eu tenho mta dor por conta de tensao muscular e eu to sem sentir dor pela primeira vez em semanas…. eu me sinto uma nova pessoa


The Human Torch's creator, scientist Phineas Horton, checking out his tight bulge before release #gayart#homoerotic#comicbookart#humantorch#jimhammond#bara#muscular#dilf


Thank you for hosting! I'm Kyphi, I'm a lesbian artist obsessed with my emotional punching bag OCs, angels, and DnD

A character for a DND oneshot, based off an existing OC of mine (Niah). Here she is an aasimar open hand monk, pictured with large white wings that droop to the floor. She has a muscular build and wears black, red, and gold. She is wrapping white hand wrappings around her left hand
A cyberpunk AU of my OC Micah. He is painted in pink and blue lighting and has delicate cyberlines over his shoulder, chin, and cheeks
My first ever ttrpg character, Galmythe! She is a half elf ranger. She has short green hair, olive pants, and a large oversized brown jacket
My very first OC I ever made: Kira. She is painted against a stormy grey bg, has her long black hair in twin french braids, and her icy blue eyes emit a trail of light. Her expression is disdainful and cold

Orc Princess 💚

A muscular orc woman lounges on a fluffy throne on the inside of a furnished tent. She rests a hand on the tip of a large, equine cock as a it shoots a load across the room.
A close-up of the same illustration.

dor muscular finalmente passou graças a deus