Midnight showing of Cloverfield on opening night. Had a long day at work, had no intention of going, but friend had an extra ticket and it ended up being an awesome night. Just an absolute rollercoaster of a crowd experience. Would never consider watching it again. No way it could ever match it.


It’s exactly what my first thought was. Never understood the “if we make something harder to do, people will do more of it” logic, but then again, these same people think closing police stations will lower crime and not paying teachers will improve education.


The "Trumpollons" were widely displayed in Manhattan a while back. People spit on them. Rumors were that some folks urinated on them, but the rumors were never substantiated. More's the pity on that last bit.


Saying "move inland" while mountain cities are cut off from the rest of the world by a HURRICANE, that's the kind of thing where an hour later you need to be like "oh, yeah this was tone deaf." Posting through it has never worked here, we're all too online.


Absolutely, the more the merrier. I've been fortunate enough to participate in a number of gang bangs over long years, Never bragging, but always superb to see women receiving multiple pleasure etc. 😈🔥☺️


I grew up in the Charleston area and I have never seen a city more segregated than Chicago, and I say this as someone who loves Chicago.


STAR TREK III. The Daily Mirror did a promotion for free tickets, but it involved queuing. I was unemployed at the time, so I went for it and the queue was HUGE. Friendships were made in it, the cinema was packed, and I've never seen such an enthusiastic audience who were just delighted to be there.


maybe the frustration serves as a nice reminder that i still love the process and that it means something to me again. something different but i welcome the change this time. and to think that last year i thought i would never make music again. (:


You should've never trusted Hollywood