finished rereading The Haunting of Hill House, and it really is remarkable; i love how every time i read it, it hits me a little different. one of greatest novels ever written about loneliness, i think.


Deus abençoes todos os mangas manhuas manhwas novels que eu gosto serotonina pura


instead of comic, *several novels the novels have been a thing for at least 10yrs, wrote one eons ago but never discussed it publicly. I've been more open abt the one I'm writing now. [but unwilling to divulge any details]

2 panel meme. Some guy looking down in the first panel with the text “I want to yap more about my OCs”

Second panel, guy looks up with red eyes with the text “but I don’t want people to find out everything about them because they’re gonna be in a comic one day”

Did you ever read any Lloyd Alexander novels?


I commissioned some nsfw illustrations based on my monster romance novels and the final art just came in… 👀😳🥵 Happy birthday to me 😂 #monsterromance#monsterart#monsterfucker

James Mcavoy Sweating GIF
James Mcavoy Sweating GIF

ALT: James Mcavoy Sweating GIF


I've read all the murderbot novels twice now, and I remember none of the titles. They're "murderbot vol 1-7" in my mental index...


I read all of Dostoevsky's works as Russian literature was my minor. I was profoundly affected by "Crime and Punishment." His novels are full of despair for sure, but there's also redemption...a little sunshine in the rain.


Look at some point we’re going to have to recognize that we may have overcorrected and allow marginalized characters to be evil again bc I am tired of reading mystery novels with exactly one cishet white character placed in the cast to be the killer…. it is ruining the art of suspense!!


But they're always depicted as 'escaping'. Why can't working class stories just be about working class lives?


just came across this lovely little review of GOSPEL THRILLERS in *Choice*! many thanks to Leonard Greenspoon of Creighton! "An invaluable and unusually accessible book for readers at all levels."

In this evocatively titled volume, Jacobs has succeeded in producing, as few others have, a productive synthesis of erudition and entertainment. He centers readers’ attention on Gospel thrillers—a genre that he himself named—which refers to novels, most of them written by American Protestants during the 1960s and 1970s. These works have a narrative of the discovery of first-century Gospels that would overturn pretty much everything one thought one knew about Christ and Christian origins. In his analysis Jacobs covers everything from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Gospel of Judas and much more, in a wide-ranging search for the context, or better contexts, including the Cold War, that were conducive to the writing and reading of these works. In keeping with the subtitle there are multiple conspiracies...that sought to keep these works, later branded as heresies, from believers. The presence of so many interpretive possibilities contributes to the vulnerability of the Bible.