Austrians began voting on Sunday in a general election that could see the far-right narrowly beat the conservatives for a historic win in the Alpine EU nation:

A circular infographic depicting the composition of the outgoing Austrian parliament's National Council by political party. The chart is segmented into different colored sections, each representing a political party and the number of seats each holds out of a total of 183. 

- The red segment on the left represents the SPOe (Social Democrats) with 40 seats.
- Adjacent to it, the green segment represents the Greens (Ecologists) with 26 seats.
- The light yellow section shows the OeVP (Right) with 71 seats, positioned at the top of the circular chart.
- The blue segment represents the FPoe (Far-right) with 30 seats, located at the lower right of the circle.
- A small light pink section indicates NEOS (Liberals) with 15 seats, while a tiny gray segment on the far right represents Independent members with 1 seat. 

The title "Outgoing Austrian parliament" is displayed prominently at the top, and the source is noted as the Austrian parliament. The overall design is clear and visually organized for easy comprehension of the political landscape.

Wo eine Sendeanstalt ihr Haupt so oft geneigt hat... Er war er immer nur den Reichen und Erfolgreichen zugeneigt; alle anderen hat er ausgepresst und verhöhnt. #Nehammer#ÖVP#OEVP#Volkspartei


Der damalige Innenminister und nunmehrige Bundeskanzler am 13. März 2000: "Es wird natürlich keine Ausgangssperren geben." Der wahlkämpfende #oevp|obmann#Nehammer#wahl24


Die Partei (#ÖVP)+die Wirtschaftskammer, denen wir unglaubliche Inflation bei kaum steigenden Löhnen direkt verdanken, denen wir Ausbeutung+Beschneidung von Arb.nehmerrechten verdanken, die also klagen uns nun DEN LOHNFRASS... Gehts noch perverser+frecher? NEIN! #volkspartei#OEVP