BLUE Good Sunday Afternoon Jenn. It is such a beautiful day here and I'm feeling great! Today I'm in my art studio trying oil pastels for the first time since I was a kid! I hope that you are having as wonderful a day as I am. 💖


Take 2 is underway, thanks to surprise shallot in the veg drawer of the fridge.

Thinly sliced shallots bubbling in a pot of oil

My go-to in stressy times has been to make biochar. Today I combined using tins (with holes punched in them) filled with dry biomass & my flame cap kiln. I have so much perfectly charred, easily recognized char to show & tell. The cotton had that fun trapped electron reaction thing (ie shiny & blue)

Cotton calyces, apricot pits, corn cobs, popsicle sticks, and some floral material are depicted here, fully pyrolized (turned into a clean type of charcoal suited for agricultural use, called biochar). The materials are almost entirely black except for the brilliant teal, purple, and gold accents on some pieces of char (primarily the cotton calyces).
One pyrolized cotton calyx held in the hand of the OP. The charred calyx has no ash, but is completely black with teal, purple, and gold accents. Some biomass reacts this way, possibly due to trapped singlet electrons on the surface of the material, and seems to correlate with the oil content of plant material. The photo does little justice to the quality of the indigo iridescence. The tin of charred items from the first photo is just behind OP’s hand, out of focus. A mulched path and grass is also visible but very out of focus.
0 Good Sunday Afternoon Claire. It is such a beautiful day here and I'm feeling great! Today I'm in my art studio trying oil pastels for the first time since I was a kid! I hope that you are having as wonderful a day as I am. 💖


"I see thing that other people don't see some times" Ancient Egyptian brain-fucklers? Stroke / Seizure = Brain fucklering demons. Need to banish some demons in the gut I think.

What if instead of putting stuff into his stomach through the feeding tube, we instead make something that can get into his body through his skin, like a cannabis butter, maybe with some mints.
Thinking about making him a greasy meatball because [redacted] opening a restaurant.
Do you want to build a bong, ma'am? I think you really should get high.
Maybe a garlic oil could allow stuff to infuse him to his skin as well there without having to get it through his feeding tube.
Ancient Egyptian brain fuckery. Did they know about how the brain stem works to control the body? Presumably, if they understood how seizures work and could even figure out what part of the brain to do surgery on them.. Or the Mayans, etc. What are their ancient cultures new about stroke recovery? What is traditional Chinese medicine treated as? Did the ancient Sumerians know about it? Was it in the Bible? Did the ancient Essene Jewish healers know about it?
Is there a way that I can improve the nutritional and oxygenation content of blood, say through black strap molasses to improve blood flow to the brain, even if the stuff isn't working normally? Perhaps there's a situation where people would brain damage end up regenerating while they're with child. Would that increase the risk of stroke or is it something that can be ameliorated using stuff like garlic and other anti-coagulants?
Maybe measuring kidney function isn't that bad of an idea for particulate matter because it would also suggest kidney functions affect on anticoagulant factors.
Scour the book, "the body electric" for neural regeneration aspects, especially around the brain.
Don't talk to me about kitten balls, son.
I got 99 problems, but muh saccades ain't one.
Can my dad squint, blink, and is he able to do it selectively on each eye? Because this will give us a lot more control surfaces for giving him comparable, like, word selection.
Can he speak Morse? Phone number pad control?
Semaphore? Did he learn anything like that in the Navy? Maybe he can do the weird whistling thing they used to do.

Karen Boylan (American,b.1946). Cat nap, 2004, oil.

Pintura de um gato preto e branco dormindo em cima de uma colcha xadrez azul e branca, de Karen Boylan.

✅ Guerra e apartheid significam grandes lucros para a Big Oil. A máquina de guerra de Israel, responsável pelo assassinato de dezenas de milhares de palestinos, depende do fornecimento de combustível e gás fóssil de empresas como a Chevron, dona da Caltex aqui na Austrália.👇

1 Good Sunday Afternoon Jennifer. It is such a beautiful day here and I'm feeling great! Today I'm in my art studio trying oil pastels for the first time since I was a kid! I hope that you are having as wonderful a day as I am. 💖

0 Good Sunday Afternoon to the super cute Mae. 😊 It is such a beautiful day here and I'm feeling great! Today I'm in my art studio trying oil pastels for the first time since I was a kid! I hope that you are having as wonderful a day as I am. 💖

0 Good Sunday Afternoon to the lovely Ayla. It is such a beautiful day here and I'm feeling great! Today I'm in my art studio trying oil pastels for the first time since I was a kid! I hope that you are having as wonderful a day as I am. 💖