NW Natural Gas is a for-profit fossil fuel corporation. How can we trust what it has to say about climate protection? Now non-partisan regulators are stepping in to correct the record: Climate Protection Program investments will cut pollution.

Environmental regulators say NW Natural misleading customers about state climate credit program • Oregon Capital Chronicle
Environmental regulators say NW Natural misleading customers about state climate credit program • Oregon Capital Chronicle

In a newsletter, NW Natural said Oregon’s carbon crediting program might not lead to pollution reductions, which regulators say is wrong.


This was the account that started testing anti-vaxx messaging to the right wing back in 2019, prior to COVID. I’ll never forget that tweet.

Tweet from 5/6/2019 from the Oregon GOP account saying 

“Oregon Democrats were just joking about "my body, my choice" while rammimg forced injections down every Oregon parent's throat. #orpol #orleg

You can learn more about our project at the links in our bio. In the meantime, here is our fresh update and CTA #ORPol#ORLeg#NEISVoid#CripTheVote#DisCo#DisabilityJustice#NothingAboutUsWithoutUs

Flyer for the Oregon Rare Disease Advisory Council Cripple Coalition's August 2024 Update and Calls to Action.  Three white-outlined, black boxes, with white text, on a light and dark grey zebra patterned background.  The bottom box is shaped like the state of Oregon.

Text in the top box: "AUGUST 2024 UPDATE.  The coalition has found a new bill sponsor and will be submitting for the 2025 session"

Text in the middle box: "Calls to Action"

Text in the bottom box: "1 - Disabled Oregonians: Please provide feedback on our draft bill; help us accurately represent your needs!
2 - Disabled Oregonians & Allies: Please join our coalition!
3 - Disabled Oregonians & Allies:  Please share w/your communities!"

"It’s no secret that going green or being energy efficient can be done in a way that contributes to affordability." 🏘️ Bend should leverage this for both new constructions and retrofits, making climate resilient & affordable living accessible to all.

Editorial: Green, more housing and affordable, lets hit all three
Editorial: Green, more housing and affordable, lets hit all three

Green buildings, more housing and affordable housing are not mutually exclusive goals.


Our homes & buildings are our first line of defense against climate harms like extreme heat and wildfire smoke. They're also the 2nd largest source of the climate pollution making those harms worse. Building resilience and clean energy solves both.

Climate change a growing public health threat in Oregon, but state adapting, report finds • Oregon Capital Chronicle
Climate change a growing public health threat in Oregon, but state adapting, report finds • Oregon Capital Chronicle

A new report shows the health impacts of heat, smoke and drought are rising, but some state investments are paying off.


The popular heat pump rental program ran through the $4 million available funding in a single day! It is wonderful that this program is so successful and speaks to the real need for families to have life-saving heating and cooling. #ORleg#climate


I'm totally psyched to vote too as ranked choice voting is on the ballot and I'm like I wish there were a fuck yes box on my ballot. #oregon#Orpol#orleg


Of note, it was the Oregon GOP account that first tried to mainstream anti-vaccine ideas well before COVID. It’s a testing ground for the party.