NEW: Part II of my post on Ealing's films and their typical plot elements, focusing on its post-war comedies and dramas, and their rootedness in the structures of the studio's war films. All reposts (and subscriptions) much appreciated. #filmsky#skystorians#polisky

Ealing Plots (Part II)
Ealing Plots (Part II)

After the war ended, Ealingโ€™s comedies and dramas continued to bear the narrative hallmarks of the films it had made about the conflict.


For > 60 y, the Swiss public broadcaster has invited people from various backgrounds such as sports, science,or politics to select 5 songs that hold special meaning in their lives. Today, my episode will be aired. I also talk about my identity as firstgen polisky academic

Rahel Freiburghaus, Politologin mit Bodenhaftung - Musik fรผr einen Gast - SRF
Rahel Freiburghaus, Politologin mit Bodenhaftung - Musik fรผr einen Gast - SRF

Sie ist 30-jรคhrig und hat ihre Dissertation รผber lobbyierende Kantone mit ยซsumma cum laudeยป, der hรถchsten akademischen Auszeichnung, abgeschlossen. Nรคchstes Jahr wird sie an der Universitรคt Lausanne e...


Shipping up to Boston! Kefauver signs the guest book at Boston City Hall during a campaign stop there in 1956. Standing behind him is Boston Mayor John Hynes. #skystorians#history#polisky#boston


Anyone in #pasky#polisky have any readings on WHY the LGBTQIA+ movement chose to focus on same-sex marriage? I would love a historical or political view.


"...the list price for a 100-mg dose is more than $720, representing a greater than 50-fold increase compared with 15 years ago". Monopolies are typically exploited. The market approach only works if there is earnest competition. #MedSky#PoliSky#EconSky

Price and Variability in Hospital Charges for Generic Indomethacin Suppositories
Price and Variability in Hospital Charges for Generic Indomethacin Suppositories

This cross-sectional study examines how list prices for indomethacin have changed since 2019 and characterizes variation in hospital charges for the drug, including gross charges and discounted cash p...