Song: Science Laboratory Game: Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (PSP) Artist(s): Toshiki Konishi Link:

Science Laboratory - Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (PSP)
Science Laboratory - Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (PSP)

YouTube video by PSC


one another so this was his punishment but Sarada didn’t get it. She couldn’t help but feel slightly envious as she would watch Boruto cry to his mother when he got hurt and how she would comfort him. Telling him he was such a brave boy and pampering him with kisses, even if+


1/ The guy who can’t recite one Bible verse post this. He continues to push the story that he’s God’s chosen instrument of retributory punishment & his opponents are evil spirits & that will be cast into hell.


Oh baby, “agency” as a fancy word for collective guilt and punishment, that most progressive of things. It’s amazing how many of these insecure losers will apply literal war crime logic to make themselves feel safe and smart


As the American empire sunsets, the West provides no future vision beyond violence and mass murder for the Global South, and punishment for social justice protesters in the Global North. The world is changing, yet they revert to brutal and obsolete tactics employed since 1492.


No, you don't understand. Kamala wants to give sex change operations to prisoners even if they don't want them. As a form of punishment. That's why Donnie is so terrified of going to prison.


I will never forget the first time my dm read the description of my ult and I could audibly hear the internal screaming and the face palm of what basically reads "Every single enemy on the map is going to either die or take damage this turn."

Monarch Core Power - Divine Punishment FULL ACTION: Choose any number of characters within range 50: your targets must each succeed on an Agility save or take 1d6+4 explosive. On a success, they take half damage. These self-guiding missiles can reach any target as long as there is a path to do so.

I read all of Dostoevsky's works as Russian literature was my minor. I was profoundly affected by "Crime and Punishment." His novels are full of despair for sure, but there's also redemption...a little sunshine in the rain.


Thank you love 🥺 It’s really my own fault. I’m a glutton for punishment.