“Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular” So Flaky was in a cave on mars with his fingers in his ears from 2000-2008, huh?


I didn’t like Flake when he was a Senator but he went down swinging rather than kowtow to Trump. One of a very small number of Republicans who did. That’s worth a lot in my book.


We can feel sad for the people who have lost their homes while also being disgusted in their government that voted to *disallow* planning for the disaster that just happened. In a just world, NC and FL Republicans would rot in jail while their personal assets are liquidated to rebuild their state.


Former GOP Sen. Jeff Flake on why he's endorsing Kamala Harris: "Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it's difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to use the powers of the presidency to overturn that election."

Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Threads
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Threads

Former GOP Sen. Jeff Flake on why he's endorsing Kamala Harris: "Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it's difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to ...


I agree that Democrats are generally more center than left. I'm just saying they range between right of center (Manchin, Sinema) and left of center (Bernie and the squad). There is nobody in the Democratic party as far to the left as most Republicans are to the right.


Not a Flake fan but I will take anyone who can change the permission structure to allow Republicans to put country over party.


This is the natural result of a Republican Party that has a platform based on unpopular ideas. It is in Democrats’ interest to make sure everyone votes. It is in Republicans’ interest to weaken democratic principles.


Flake went down swinging rather than kowtow to Trump. One of a very small number of Republicans who did. That’s worth a lot in my book.


I don’t know what his current influence in AZ is with Republicans these days but anything he can do there by saying this is helpful.