After a week on the road eating and drinking… with no exercise at all, this morning’s 5K was rather rough. It didn’t help that I had a huge painful cramp in my right calf while sleeping last night. But, hey, I got out and ran! #run#runday#running#RunnersOfMastodon


Sunday Runday! Due to the weather I ran on a treadmill today. I don't love running indoors but i is nice to have such control over speed and slope. Really pushed myself today.

Sweaty me in a gray muscle shirt. I have a tired lopsided smile. You can just make out some exercise bikes behind me.

Sunday Runday after a curry last night. Happy with this then! 🏃‍♂️


Sunday Runday. First run of autumn! It's a gorgeous day today and it was a pleasure to be out running in it. Our dogwood tree is starting to get its colors on. Happy Equinox and Blessed Mabon to everyone! May you all harvest exactly what you need this season.

Me in a sweaty black muscle shirt and sunglasses. I'm outside in the sun in front of a dogwood tree that's leaves are turning red.

Sunday Runday! 16K. Now a chicken and stuffing sarni as a reward!! Need to work on SPEED not distance though over the next few months. Any runners on BlueSky with top tips for speed training?


Sunday = Runday, schöne Veranstaltung, als Straßenläufer aber schwierig, da über Stock und Stein durch Feld und Wald #nevernotrunning


Sunday Runday 🏃🏻‍♂️ 4 miles on this beautiful morning.

Me laying on a black workout mat shirtless and in black running shorts.

Fazendo oque ninguém pode fazer por mim! #corridaderua#runday#saúde