Anyone using a gas-powered lawnmower should be given a hefty fine. You clearly don't care about nature or the environment. Just paint your yard green, and that's that. #Pollution#StopFossils#Lawnmower#Nature#Yard


Blackouts are super stressful, but what really puzzles me is the fact that Australia is still relying on coal-fired power stations. It makes no sense in a place with record-high temperatures that have exceeded 41°C (105.8°F). #ClimateChange#GlobalWarming#StopFossils#Energy#Tuesday#Australia

Blackouts across Victoria as storm forces outage at state’s largest coal generator
Blackouts across Victoria as storm forces outage at state’s largest coal generator

As many as half a million homes are without power as AGL says all four units of the 2,210 megawatt Loy Yang A were forced offline