It's time.


She broke my heart in the trailer park So I jacked the keys to her f**kin' car Crashed that piece of shit and stepped away

Singer from the band rehab holding a glass up with his pointer finger sticking out. The expression on his face is drunken arrogance

Bartender I really did it this time
Broke my parole to have a good time
When I got home it was 6 am
The door was locked so I kicked it in
She was trippin' on the bills
I think she was high on some pills
She threw my shit out into the yard
Then she called me a bum and slapped me real hard
And in my drunken' stuper I did what I shoulda' never done
And now I'm sittin' here, talkin' to you, drunk and on the run
I'm sittin' at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She broke my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her f**kin' car
Crashed that piece of shit and stepped away
You know I'll probably get ten years
So just give me beers til' they get here
Yeah I know the sun is comin' up and ya'll are probably gettin' ready for closin' up
But I'm tryin' to drown my soul I'm tired of this life on a dirt road
And everything that I love is

I am also struck by the memory that when Corbyn bought up the need for a decent bus network across the U.K. at PMQS he was laughed at.

A sneer can often reveal far more about the sneerer than the object of their derision. This week, the leader of the opposition used the platform of prime minister’s questions to highlight the long-standing crisis of Britain’s bus services. What with there being 4.65bn bus journeys a year – two and half times more than train journeys – you might think this would be considered quite important. Instead, Tory MPs howled with contempt, bellowing “Taxi!” The commentariat followed in quick step. “A question about buses. That will win it!” spluttered the Sun. “Corbyn on buses. Jesus wept,” eyerolled the Times’s sketch writer. “Is it PMQs or transport questions?” cackled ITV’s political correspondent. “No 10 will not be able to believe their luck,” mocked the Spectator’s political editor.

When the sun hits


Leftward jog in the path early spring sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. April 25, 2021, 7:27 PM. #sunset#hiking

A blue gray evening sky with long, thin gray clouds tinted orange and gold by the setting sun. A wide dirt and gravel path follows the top of an embankment rising several feet above the surrounding ground. The left side of the path has a wide swath of bright green spring grass running down the left slope of the embankment and a few more feet across the level ground below. To the right of the path and to the left of the grassy area are forests of leafless hardwoods beginning to bud with a hemlock or two mixed in. The path jogs sharply left not far ahead as it comes to the shore of a lake. A similar forest, with a few houses mixed in, covers the far shore of the lake. A wooden bench is on our shore near the point where the path disappears behind the trees on our left.

Convers between seniors- DH and I got on the topic of shows on Sun eve as kids. Me: Lawrence Welk, Wild Kingdom bf church. Dh: Ed Sullivan. Me: goes to kitchen to get something. DH: So LW, WK & what was the other I said? Me: I don't remember. Dh: me too. Us: 🤣😂 Me 10 min later: oh yeah Ed Sullivan.😂


Out of everything I'd written this month, definitely, *definitely* The Kiss. Like, yes, my scaly orange son. Go get it. #LGBTQWriteAThon


como ela eh gringa ao invés de chamar de sol da meia noite ela chama de mindnight sun aí pelo amor de deus vai tomar no cu


#DBCAlert: Highway 1 (TransCanada Highway), westbound. Vehicle incident between Exit 13 and Exit 11: 15th St (West Vancouver). Expect delays. Right lane is blocked. Next update time Sun Sep 29 at 11:30 AM PDT.


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