Sunlight/UV breaks retinol down so unless you're staying indoors all day there's no point in using it in the morning


Biceptember? By, September 😔

A picture of me shirtless, facing the camera, my arms are crossed, and I'm flexing my left bicep
Same as the previous picture but it is my right bicep
A picture of me shirtless, both my arms are raised, and I am flexing both of them. I am fat yet muscular.The sun is shining from the left, gently covering me with a golden light.
Same as previous, but with less sunlight.

Should be part of your evening routine generally, makes you really sensitive to sunlight. Do it after cleansing, before moisturizing. I usually wait 5-10 minutes after applying to moisturize.


Home sweet home, but still thinking about this paradise.

Picture of a very green forest with sunlight pouring through the trees

A team at the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST has developed transparent solar cells which can be embedded into the glass surfaces of mobile devices, cars, and buildings, offering a seamless and efficient way to generate power from sunlight.

A smartphone that can charge itself from sunlight — scientists have created transparent solar cells that can be embedded in glass
A smartphone that can charge itself from sunlight — scientists have created transparent solar cells that can be embedded in glass

It could be used to power cars and buildings too


Another one from that same run.

A wooden walkway bridge extends over a small stream, surrounded by tall, dense trees casting dappled sunlight onto the forest floor in a tranquil woodland setting.

Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing the corals to turn white or "bleach" - usually due to rising sea temperatures, but also from pollution, overexposure to sunlight, or changes in water quality. #science#sciencefacts#coralbleaching

Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing the corals to turn white or "bleach" - usually due to rising sea temperatures, but also from pollution, overexposure to sunlight, or changes in water quality.

#science #sciencefacts #coralbleaching #coralbleachingawareness

moonset. Still in sunlight though, the International Space Station crossed from the western horizon and Earth's largest artificial moon traced the bright flat arc through the sky over 400 km above. Simply constructed, the well-planned panoramic scene was captured over a 5 minutes in a series of


Went out for a couole moto rides with friends yesterday and went for a hike. Pretty good day ngl

Red aprilia sl1000 falco parked on the side of the road infront of a forested area with a waterfall
Lila standing on top of Mary's Peak woth a big smile, her glasses, and a sunflower badged shirt. Her purple hair glowing in the sunlight
The veiw from part way up the hike on Mary's Peak of the Willamette Valley, streatching beyond the foreground of trees