Some bird photos from my second day on

Four photos of a bird called bulbul
Four photos of sunbirds
A photo of a flying raptor
A yellow bird in an avocado tree

Mbowe and other officials were released later on Monday. Tanzania has a V-dem rating of 0.4/1


The next project is an actual new history of the Uganda-Tanzania War- I know the TPDF want one written and I have a lot of material for it (some of which went into the attenuated account in this book) so I think one is finally possible if I can get back and do a few more interviews.


remained in power from 1971-1979, throwing out all the Asians in Uganda, purging his military, imprisoning all those he saw as disloyal, and occasionally even just bombing parts of Tanzania for the hell of it. Finally, in 1978 some of his troops invaded a small slice of land in northwest Tanzania


And I guess #3, for those of you who don't pay much attention to Africa, even you know this guy. He is like every western trope about an African dictator you can dream of! Well, he had a border with Tanzania and also really disliked President Nyerere, who he saw as an effeminate scold


Dar es Salaam. He also provided numerous camps and spaces for the various liberation fighters to stay, train, and organize throughout Tanzania. The TPDF was intimately involved in these efforts, administering the camps and helping train where needed. Even more than that, for the fight across the


aftermath of the 1964 East African mutinies that happened almost simultaneously in Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda. President Nyerere of Tanzania (Tanganyika's union with Zanzibar in 1964) saw this model of military as unstable and untrustworthy. Instead he insisted on a military based on broad civic


"But Charlie!" you may say, "why should *I* care about the Tanzania People's Defence Force!?" Well let me tell you a few cool things about them! 1. Following independence most African states just inherited whatever colonial troops existed as their militaries. This often led to coups and mutinies.