I have a topaz ring that was my grandmother’s - it’s in a really awful setting and it’s so big it’s basically unwearable (the ring just flops over any time you move your hand) so no one else wanted it when she died and I did *because* it’s just such a bonkers ring, so anyway, #TeamTopaz#MinCup24


Oh no! Looks like #TeamTopaz just managed to mobilize their fans last minute. But it was so close! Next year though...

0 but it’s never a wise move to vote in hasty revenge mode! Give beautiful #Topaz a chance. I, too, was crushed when Goethite lost to #Topaz, but don’t be bullied by the hardness of Corundum! Go for #TeamTopaz! #VoteTopaz #MinCup23

#TexasTopaz, mined in Mason County, Texas. Very light blue, 8 ct.