Mt Etna keeps giving. Thanks to COT24 Catania for the recent ash sample. Prepped for delivery to volcano-keen kids and year 3 projects. #tephratastic

Three small glass vials and an old black camera film pot, on a yellow table top, containing black ash from the 15th August eruption of Mt Etna.
Using a kitchen funnel to decant ash from the film pot to a small glass jar. There’s a marker pen and sample bag also on the table.

A totally tephratastic 2024 COT-INTIMATE-THM conference in Catania 🌋.


Documenting this day so we can attribute all the Mt Etna tephra we are about to find in our cryptotephra lab to the correct isochron 🫣🌋🤔🕵🏻‍♀️ #tephratastic#toomuchtephra ⚒️

6 people in outdoor gear stood on ashy ground with a mountain/volcano in the background. It’s cloudy, but clear from shorts and sone bare arms that it is still quite warm.
The same 6 people, this time with a view below into the cones and lava flows on the  volcanoes slopes. You can just make out the sea in a bay in the distance.

COT24 - Commission on Tephrochronology Catania 2024 is underway. Beautiful setting, great science, ash samples and ice cream. #tephratastic

Looking up to the dome of a monastery from a courtyard/atrium.
Britta Jensen introducing the meeting on a stage in a lecture theatre.
A 35mm film canister containing ash from the most recent eruption of Etna.
Croissant and ice cream on a table

The #tephratastic Oxford Tephra Research Group are in Tenerife… looks amazing!


Who else could lose themselves for hours looking at volcanic ash on the SEM? 🤩🤩 These tiny glass shards show some of the textures created when gases exsolve from magma of different compositions during explosive eruptions. #tephratastic

A four panel picture of SEM images of volcanic glass particles. They all have shapes defined by bubble-relics, bubble walls or lots of small bubbles (“vesicles”) held together by smooth-surfaced, sharp-edged amorphous glass.

Welcome blue sky during a brief EPMA break. Has been a busy week on the probe but getting that Friday feeling not all of these #tephratastic samples are going to be run in this batch. Guess I’ll be back again soon…

Blue sky viewed between sandstone college buildings.
An electron microprobe, which looks like a large white machine in a metal cage and has lots of large computer monitors next to it.