A live react to test footage of Across the Veil. A new vampire romance fantasy film!

Across the Veil - Screen Test Reaction
Across the Veil - Screen Test Reaction

YouTube video by Silvyrphoenix


Zum Glück sind wir auf einer tollen Schule, die sehr kindgerecht ist. Hier würde niemand auf die Idee kommen irgendwas umerziehen zu wollen. Über die Ergo bin ich auch sehr froh. Sie hat einen langen intensiven Test mit ihm gemacht und zeigt ihm jetzt alle Tricks, die es ihm leichter machen.


Most of our automated testing code (I test farm equipment software) is written in php. It's a useful language and pretty easy to learn.


as a COVID test a ram's horn will only get you shofar


Super interesting new IZA DP: "The Unintended Consequences of Merit-Based Teacher Selection: Evidence from a Large-Scale Reform in Colombia" by Matias Busso, Sebastián Montaño, Juan S. Muñoz-Morales, Nolan G. Pope

Teacher quality is a key factor in improving student academic achievement. As such, educational policymakers strive to design systems to hire the most effective teachers. This paper examines the effects of a national policy reform in Colombia that established a merit-based teacher-hiring system intended to enhance teacher quality and improve student learning. Implemented in 2005 for all public schools, the policy ties teacher-hiring decisions to candidates' performance on an exam evaluating subject-specific knowledge and teaching aptitude. The implementation of the policy led to many experienced contract teachers being replaced by high exam-performing novice teachers. We find that though the policy sharply increased pre-college test scores of teachers, it also decreased the overall stock of teacher experience and led to sharp decreases in students' exam performance and educational attainment. Using a difference-in-differences strategy to compare the outcomes of students from public and

Got run down with everything going on and now I'm very sick. Negative Covid test, but I've had full blown Covid and never been able to get a positive test, so who knows. I miss the old days when you got a cold and didn't have to worry about dying.


Rough around the edges but a fun little Harakoni Warhawk test model


Me: I need a doodle to test a different lining style I wanna try 13yo boy brat personality in the back of my head:


I think about it like this: I enjoy both men's and women's national 🏏, and am glad we get to see England play in either/both. the decision by SKY and TNT not to bid for the upcoming men's test series against Pakistan is a shame for 🏏 fans. am happy to watch England Women hopefully do well in the T20


Oh—my N95s do seal to my face. I test the fit every time I put one on, blowing strong puffs of air while holding my hands above my cheeks near my eyes, on the sides, and under my chin. If I feel any air coming out, I fiddle with it until it's sealed. KN95s are easier, but don't feel as safe to me.