Finalizei leitura de "The Burning Lake (Mark of the Crijik #4)" - ThinkTwice 🟣 intenso @maratona.app

The Burning Lake (Mark of the Crijik #4)
The Burning Lake (Mark of the Crijik #4)



Finalizei leitura de "Gesti Sky (Mark of the Crijik #3)" - ThinkTwice 🟡 divertido @maratona.app

Gesti Sky (Mark of the Crijik #3)
Gesti Sky (Mark of the Crijik #3)



Finalizei leitura de "Koshima Academy (Mark of the Crijik, #2)" - ThinkTwice 🟡 divertido | 🟤 indiferente @maratona.app

Koshima Academy (Mark of the Crijik, #2)
Koshima Academy (Mark of the Crijik, #2)



Finalizei leitura de "Mark of the Crijik (Mark of the Crijik, #1)" - ThinkTwice 🟡 divertido | 🟣 excitada @maratona.app

Mark of the Crijik (Mark of the Crijik, #1)
Mark of the Crijik (Mark of the Crijik, #1)



Elon Musk postet idiotische Werbung für X. Auf Bluesky entrüstet man sich darüber, dass er so eine Scheiße verbreitet, mit einem Screenshot seines Posts und verbreitet ihn dann hier auch. Kann man machen, muss man aber nicht. #thinktwice


HIYA, Bluetopia! Got my daily walk over with early today, lest I try to squirm out of it. You might have seen an earlier post, wherein I disclosed I'm not feeling ALL that great. Can't let that stop me, eh? Check out the ALT Text; click the pics, there's a wee story beneath each one. FUN, right?

Happy freaking Halloween. Many of my neighbours have gone all out, as they do each year, & put out macabre and/or cute displays on their lawns and/or porches. More power to 'em; a great many of these displays got SOAKED & ruined in this week's deluges, but this is rather sturdy: a GIANT mummy, a couple of what we're supposed to think are PEOPLE dressed in skeleton costumes, &  behind THEM , a GIANT scarecrow...zombie? Behind it all, of course, the REAL attraction - the fabulous fall colours in the trees, a veritable forest for their backyard. They also have a row of baby firs, which one day will make a terrific wall between them & their neighbour to the left. This is about a mile from my house... about when I stop whining to myself & start running. Today I was in a lot more pain than usual to start off with, so my self-pity factor was HIGH, and it was FUCKING COLD. Below freezing, in fact - 30° plus wind. MS pain: Not great, Bob.
This is RIGHT next door to the Halloween display from the first picture, an explosion of orange behind a low wooden fence, the forest behind it all. I wanted to get it because the sky is SO blue & the h MOON is still in that sky above it all. Just a neat picture. So... I'm aching badly, FREEZING, whining inwardly... but I need to GET ON WITH IT. Or I may as well just give up & get back in bed for another decade.So I flip to a song I can run to - in this case, Madonna's Ray of Light; it has special significance, because it used to be on my playlist back in 1998/99, when I was a regular runner, when I'd run up in the Hollywood Hills, up to the Hollywood Sign. When I was HEALTHY & YOUNG, when I didn't even THINKTWICE about running six miles a day, fast & strong & long. And come home & do 90 minutes of hard yoga. I think about those days sometimes & cry. I am nothing if not a PROFESSIONAL at self-pity. You guys, I was SO beautiful then; & I had NO idea. And no idea it was about to end.
This is Just a group of gorgeous colours in a group of trees I sometimes pass. It's a mostly nondescript group of green trees in spring & summer, nothing you'd really notice till fall comes along & a rising sun hits it just right & all of a sudden it's ON FIRE. And with that striking blue sky, the contrast makes the colour stand out all the more brightly. So... yeah - I got pregnant around the beginning of March 1999. Terry was always going to be a HUGE baby, & that registered in my body immediately. I gained 88 pounds, & he had to be induced 3 weeks early as his head was so big waiting would've necessitated a Caesarean. As it was, in month 7 he cracked my pubic bone. Not an EASY pregnancy. I've basically been in pain since October of 1999, to one degree or another. Not to be gross, but the birth itself was pretty gruesome, too. A basically PREMATURE Terry weighed almost 9 pounds. Yeah. No surprise he's a football player, huh. Good thing I love him more than life itself...
Me AFTER running, but not at the END of the run. Removed hat but not the headband. Yeah, I wore my hair down today, because I went to all the trouble of curling it after my shower at 2am (boredom + vanity), & I didn't want to fuck it up with a ponytail. That's right; last night I was so tired after having been UP ALL NIGHT the night before that I passed out before 7pm (and MISSED THE GODDAMNED LIONS BEATING THE RAIDERS), & woke up at 1am today. It's almost 1pm as I write this. I've been up 12 hours; my sleep cycle is so fucked. I think that MAY be affecting my pain levels. GEE. YA THINK? I'm a freaking GENIUS. It's a vicious SOYCULL. No sleep=pain. Pain=no sleep. Round & round we go. I miss my young, healthy body. MAY I HAVE IT BACK, PLEASE? I promise I won't take it for granted this time. I'll notice EVERY TIME it can bounce out of bed, or bend over & pick up a pen without holding onto a chair. Please? Trade you for my soul. WHAT? My SON? Fuck off & die. I'll take the pain. All of it.