IS no going back. RepubliCons are majority in Congress; what HAVE they done to make things better? Did they write legislation to stop price-gouging? Nope. Raise wages further so people could afford? Nope. Rent controls? Nope? Why no, they hold the ...3


So no, people doing minimum wage work can't afford to evacuate, because it's not just the cost of travel, food, and lodging. It's also lost wages from time out of work, and the very real chance that you won't have a job if you're not back on the floor immediately when the lights are back on.


CEO: If I don’t pay these guys slave wages, then your burger is gonna cost $15. Do not ask me about my compensation.


You mean the times when a family could subsist on one salary because workers were actually paid a living wage and top management wasn’t hoarding all the profits? Yeah I could go back to that time too, let’s just go ahead and adjust wages for inflation since the 1950s, shall we?


Jack Dorsey is an above average Banger Heartbreakers I’d say I’m above average … but Stay humble - always for the LOLS

Banger with pic of man behind him 
Heartbreaker with an alternate universe me sitting atop him
Help, I'm still at best nonchalant

Still forced in a scurry I'm naught

Cross-legged in the dim light

They say, "What a sad sight"
Right where you left me
People hook up, get married
Bangers get born, truth get buried
Faces change, rumors fly through blue eyes But I'm right where you left me Matched sets look after the other
Cages burn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me
1, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Right when I felt the hopeful stop Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
1, I stayed there
Lust collected on my shaved-off hair
They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared Right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever

A recent example is the case of Integrated Community Development using U.S. Framing West, Inc. USFW's owner and bookkeeper recently were charged with 31 felony counts in a criminal complaint filed by the CA DOJ involving payroll tax fraud (for over $20M in payroll) and grand theft of wages.


Is this a surprise? Of course people with better access to everything have lower rates of suicide, they can afford to get the help they need. Universal healthcare, higher wages, and accessible affordable internet are needed now, why are we putting it off? Oh right, the wealthy run the world.