Tag 905 nach Verweigerung einer Impfpflicht für alle (= des Schutzes vor schwerer Erkrankung für alle) und im nunmehr fünften Jahr umfassenden Politik-Versagens !! Ich hätte sowas (ehrlicherweise) NIEMALS für möglich gehalten! 🤔🤬🤦‍♀️ #DieMaskeBleibtAuf#SchwereSchuld#WearAMask


By Scott Squires @scott_squires COVID-19 has up to a 14 day incubation period. Hard to believe @CDCgov actually had an informaitonal image about Covid.


Covid on the rise as experts say England has ‘capitulated’ to the virus Immunologists push for increase in testing and more widespread vaccine booster rollout as new variant, XEC, emerges

Covid on the rise as experts say England has ‘capitulated’ to the virus
Covid on the rise as experts say England has ‘capitulated’ to the virus

Immunologists push for increase in testing and more widespread vaccine booster rollout as new variant, XEC, emerges