Across 42 countries, objective status is associated with system justification and people system justify more when their party is in power. Authors suggest that SIT and SDI make more accurate predictions than SJT

paper title: A cross-cultural test of competing hypotheses about system justification using data from 42 nations
abstract: System justification theory (SJT) is a thriving field of research, wherein the primary questions revolve around why individuals and groups are motivated to see the systems they depend on as just, fair, and legitimate. This article seeks to answer how accurate the postulates of SJT are when compared to competing self-interest claims of social identity and social dominance theory. We addressed the ongoing debates among proponents of each theory by identifying who, when, and why individuals decide to system-justify. We used data comprised of 24,009 participants nested within 42 countries. Multilevel models largely supported the competing claims of social dominance and social identity theories over SJT. The most robust findings were: (1) greater objective socioeconomic status (SES) was associated with greater system justification; (2) the consistent positive ...
line plot of a cross-over interaction showing that people on the left and right system justify more when people who share their views are in power.

Think it possible that these were as hard for your fellow students who did not go on to be professionals as they would be for your students today?


"Bright star, [...] Those of you who are mortal, you burn so fiercely. And you fiercer than most, Will. I will not ever forget you." E realmente nĆ£o esqueceu. AtĆ© 2012 ainda lembra :(((


okay... who was sick and sent that shit over to me?? woke up feeling awful... no idea what from... but just feeling like death this morning...


Yeah, I held off on saying so to avoid the usual bloke pearl clutching but in my experience it's always dudes of a certain age who do this. Like bro are you trying to neg me? Is it 2009?


I mean... I wouldn't HATE that but I'm definitely not your type, so I'm afraid once I woke up we would just start talking about stuff like who the best character on MST3K is and why it's Gypsy. šŸ˜‰


For people who would like links for places that are trying to help, there are quite a few of this article (which is also worth reading):


One of the bands that changed my life. They were one of four or five groups who introduced me to sampling.


cuz like.. why?? I'm not cool, I'm not funny, I'm not especially interesting, I'm not physically attractive. I'm just some tired dorkasaurus who likes birds, toons, and eldritch abominations a bit too much šŸ˜…