#wipsnip#romancelandia Charming chocolates


#WIPSnip Day 11: Old

Screenshot reads:

'"You're in my spot," a voice said from somewhere behind me. 

I started to my feet, the flame in my hand extinguishing as if it had never been.

The newcomer was about my age, maybe a little older. Probably a Senior unless I missed my guess. The kind where senioritis bit hard. Either that or she *wanted* you to take one look at her and classify her as a delinquent. 

Which, honestly, I could respect."

Older is highlighted.

#WIPSnip Day 10: Morsel No morsel in my WIP but I do have food...

Screenshot reads:

"The door snicked shut behind me. I crept towards the stairs, and I'd gotten to the first step when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me.


I whirled around, trying to keep the guilt off my face. "Hey Dad! How was work."

He stared at me from the kitchen doorway for a long moment. Long enough for my eyes to adjust and for me to realize the table behind him was laden with food. He'd made dinner. 

My eyes started to itch."

Food is highlighted.

"here is my business card and on the back, my landline,call me please" I read his card Paul Houston contractor,funny grew up around construction and here I am looking at a guy whose profession is the same as my family. #wipsnip#romancelandia Charming chocolates


The forwards were finally applying some pressure in Ottawa’s zone. But then there was a breakaway by Ottawa—a two-on-one on Mitchell. Shades of that last game against Minnesota. I held my breath as he stayed up and blocked the shot. #wipsnip


“Still? Ten years later?” He pulled back into the middle lane as we headed west on the QEW. “Probably just a formality now. I’m sure they’ve been tracking my calls and my bank activity.” #wipsnip#torontoblaze#hockeyromance


Ok, I'm just... really fucking proud of this. Here's a secret, I wrote it after doing this for my husband. After I'd soothed him enough so he could sleep. I cried writing it. Not because it made me sad, but because I was putting the love I experience down on paper. #author#WIPsnip#writing


Ok, the sad boys get to be a bit cute. Dean is a dork, I love him so much. #author#oc#writing#WIPsnip

We hadn’t even been in the house ten minutes before Dean’s phone rang.

He panicked but I took it out of his hands and answered it, then held it up to his ear.

“Hey… uh is this Dean? It’s Stephan. From earlier?” I heard Steph’s voice say through the phone.

Dean went red, but took his phone and went up to his room and shut the door. I, of course, pressed my ear up against it to eavesdrop on the conversation. I could only hear Dean’s side of things but he was talking loudly and excitedly so it must have been going well.

“Ok so, 7pm at Flinders? Cool. Yeah! I’ll see you at 7. Ok. Ok, see ya then.”

Then he must have hung up because he yelled “OHMYFUCKINGGOD! I HAVE A FUCKING DATE!” then squealed. Then yelled “WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO WEAR?”
He opened his door so suddenly that I fell over into his room.

He looked like he was going to tell me off for half a second, but then he panicked and yelled, “MADDY! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!”

No worries at all! I debated between WIPSnip and WIPSnips for a while lol I probably should've went with no 's' It's a common thing that happens.