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She/her | 🇸🇪🏳️‍🌈 | Geek with a passion for art, nature, weird animals, heavy metal, and all things fantasy. Web dev by trade. I occasionally blog and […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
2 followers0 following13 posts

WIP of a dog portrait I'm working on for a commission. The dog is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever with the most gorgeous red-gold fur 😍 Gonna do my best to do the colour justice. Tollers are imo the prettiest of the retriever breeds. #traditionalart#WIP#dog#dogart#animalart

Work in progress drawing of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retriever. The drawing is a head portrait made with watercolour and coloured pencil

I just realised my very first fanlisting* opened 20(!!) years ago 😮 In September 2004 I was approved to run the Afghan Hound fanlisting and guess what, I still have it: is literally just a list of fans. Like a web directory but you don't even […]


I haven't seen ANY of the new season of #RingsOfPower yet because I've foolishly promised husband to wait until he can watch it with me. Which seems to never bloody happen! When he has the time, I don't - and vice versa. I know it's grounds for divorce to watch shows behind the other's back so […]


[Closeup photos of a shield bug] @feistel Lol in my language we call them "berry farts" 😂 Google suggested either stink bug or shield bug and since this one was very polite and not stinky at all I figured it deserved the nicer name


[Closeup photo of a shield bug] Found a friend in the laundry room; a little shield bug! Husband hates insects and immediately left the room, but I quite like them. Well, flies and mosquitoes can all die in a fire, but other bugs are cool.

Closeup photo of a green shield bug sitting on a finger.
Closeup photo of a green shield bug sitting on the back of a hand.

When you try to photograph a toadstool but you have a curious and very low-to-the-ground dog with you 😄 #dogs#dogsofmastodon#corgi#mushrooms

photo of a toadstool in the grass. A pair of long black dog legs can be seen in the background. In the foreground, to the left, is a bit of fuzzy white and red fur and the lower jaw of another dog
Close-up photo of a corgi sniffing a toadstool. The dog is very close to the camera and slightly out of focus.
Close-up photo of a corgi sniffing a toadstool. The dog is very close to the camera and slightly out of focus.

I must've ran over 15 frogs with my car on the way home tonight... 😧 The roads are full of them right now, for several kms there were frogs all over the place. I tried avoiding them but they were so many. Poor froggos 🐸💔


Ok cool, I'm always here for more Middle-earth content, but did they really need to make it anime. I mean, I'll still watch it but... anime is so not my thing 🫤 #lotr#waroftherohirrim

Reposted by Karin

My old Quilting Bee quilt is online again! I found it on a dusty external hard drive and now I've uploaded it to my pixel site. The original club may be long gone but I'm gonna keep my quilt up as a fun reminder of the old Internet. The Q*bee meant so much to me and after all these years I […]


My old Quilting Bee quilt is online again! I found it on a dusty external hard drive and now I've uploaded it to my pixel site. The original club may be long gone but I'm gonna keep my quilt up as a fun reminder of the old Internet. The Q*bee meant so much to me and after all these years I […]

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She/her | 🇸🇪🏳️‍🌈 | Geek with a passion for art, nature, weird animals, heavy metal, and all things fantasy. Web dev by trade. I occasionally blog and […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
2 followers0 following13 posts