Alyssa Alcorn
Researcher in neurodiversity, new lecturer at University of Bristol School of Psychological Science
100 followers139 following18 posts

This is very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Seems outside the scope of this paper, but I also wonder if there has been any change over time in authors deliberately choosing to submit to Autism--or to go elsewhere--in light of this policy.

Reposted by Alyssa Alcorn

"The longstanding effects of austerity, coupled with the attainment-focused pressures that schools are under, has led to schools struggling to meet the needs of fairly homogenous groups of learners, yet alone those with additional learning needs." #AutRes#EduSky

Record investment has been announced for SEND...but is it really enough? - University of Birmingham
Record investment has been announced for SEND...but is it really enough? - University of Birmingham

For Autism Acceptance Week Professor Laura Crane, Director of the Autism Centre for Education & Research, explores the need for more SEND provision in schools.

Reposted by Alyssa Alcorn

The Belonging in School resource was 6 months old on March 20, and we're still celebrating! If your school is working on inclusion policies, check it out for tools and ideas. All content and our intro webinar are FREE and downloadable for everyone 👇

In the middle of this image is dark blue text reading “Belonging In School”, and below that is large bold black text reading “celebrating 6 months!” Underneath that is the dark blue smaller text again reading “A school-level resources for developing inclusive policies.” 
Surrounding this text is a circle of six blue cartoon-style brains with different patterns inside representing how all brains are different.  Behind the brains is a pale yellow circle, and just below the image in small pale blue text reads the illustrator’s name “Krytyna Backynski”, and just below that is a website link

We’re halfway to happy birthday! 6 months ago we launched Belonging in School, a free, school-level resource for educators who want to develop more inclusive policies. Haven’t seen it yet? Download the content and watch our introductory webinar here!

Collage of images on a light blue background. Image of Speech bubble containing the wording “We’re celebrating 6 months of Belonging In School!” appears overlapping the cover of a report document. Title reads "Belonging in School" over a cartoon-like illustration of a diverse group of children and school staff members. University of Cambridge logo appears at the top of the cover. Small text above the cover image reads "A FREE resource for inclusive school policymaking". At the bottom left a QR code says "download today" and links to
Reposted by Alyssa Alcorn

Mary Doherty's fantastic CRAE lecture "Autistic professionals and the triple empathy problem" is now available on YouTube. A must watch for wisdom and hope.

Video being watched.

This was popular on Twitter so cross-posting! Saw this open-access paper that may interest teachers/families/community interested in

Alyssa Alcorn
Researcher in neurodiversity, new lecturer at University of Bristol School of Psychological Science
100 followers139 following18 posts