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Adne Sadeh
Apprentice Jewish monster hunter, podcaster, storyteller, teacher (occasionally), blogger (and AI researcher by day). He/him.;
258 followers129 following948 posts

Adam & Eve were not the first humans. According to Talmud, Midrash Tehillim, & other Jewish writings 974 generations preceded them & were destroyed by God for their wickedness. This is one explanation for who Cain married in Genesis 4.17; she was of the previous generations

974 generations were to have been created before the creation of the world, but they were snatched away. God then planted a few of them in each [subsequent] generation, and they are the brazen, arrogant ones of that generation.

will do! I've been feeling like doing a Lilith podcast and got this as part of the research.


New Book! "Lilith The First Eve Historical and Psychological Aspects of the Dark Feminine" by Siegmund Hurwitz. He opened noting that religious history folks may not like his psychology & vice versa. I expect he's right but it will be an interesting read

photograph of the cover of "Lilith The First Eve Historical and Psychological Aspects of the Dark Feminine" by Siegmund Hurwitz.

New book! Got a print copy of James Matisoff’s “Blessings, Curses, Hopes, and Fears: Psycho-Ostensive Expressions in Yiddish” (I had been reading an copy) now I can get back to Arun Schaechter Viswanath’s questions about some of Matisoff’s odd choices.

Book cover of “Blessings, Curses, Hopes, and Fears
Psycho-Ostensive Expressions in Yiddish” by James Matisoff.

Shabbat shalom everyone! Dunno about anyone else, but it’s been a week. Whew. currently on a long weekend runaway with my lovely wife on Mackinac Island. Very peaceful. Lots of fudge.


The Sword of Moses provides many angel names including the 'SQWHHYY of the curse as well as a angelology (hierarchy of angels). Here's the key to how Harari transliterated the Hebrew to English. (3/3)

Hebrew to English key

Yuval Harari has translated the text of Sword of Moses into English and provided academic commentary. (free registration required) (2/3)

The Sword of Moses (Harba de-Moshe): A New Translation and Introduction (2012)
The Sword of Moses (Harba de-Moshe): A New Translation and Introduction (2012)

The Sword of Moses (Harba de-Moshe): A New Translation and Introduction (2012)


The Sword of Moses is Jewish magical text from around the 11th century. "It presents a broad assortment of magical practices for accomplishing various goals, all based on the use of a magical ‘‘sword’’ of words, which Moses brought down from heaven" (1/3) #jewish#curses#magic

graphic including the curse and commentary. The curse reads "If you wish to curse a person, say while you pray, in (the benediction called) Makhin'a Zedim "may 'SQWHHYY strike"

Translation by Alessia Bellusci in her paper "Oneiric Aggressive Magic: Sleep Disorders in Late Antique Jewish Tradition" The image is a tenth century fragment of Sefer HaRazim found in a genizah in St. Petersburg. Currently held in the National Library of Russia. (2/2)


Dream Curses! Sefer HaRazim is a Jewish magic text that was given to Noah by the Angel Raziel. It's dated to the 3rd Century CE. Among its magical recipes is a procedure that invokes angels to cause insomnia in oder to nullify someone’s intentions and thoughts. (1/2)

Photograph of a page of the Sefer HaRazim manuscript from the National Library of Russia
[§137] If you want to make your enemy sleep disturbed, take the head of a black dog that never saw light and take a lamella of PSWKWTRWN,19 and write on it (the names of) these angels and say this:
[§138] "I consign to you, O Angels of Wrath who stand in the fourth encampment, the life, the soul and the spirit20 of N son of N, so that you bind him in iron chains and tie him in bronze rods. And do not give sleep, neither light sleep nor deep sleep, to his eyelids. And he will cry and scream like a parturient woman. And do not give any man permission to release him (from the spell)."
[§139] And write this and put (it) in the mouth of the dog and put wax on the mouth and seal (it) with a ring, which has a lion engraved upon it. And go and hide it (the dog's head) behind his house or in a place in which he goes out and enters.
[§140] If you want to release him (from the spell), take it (the dog's head) from the place where it is hidden and remove its seal and take out the (lamella with the
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Adne Sadeh
Apprentice Jewish monster hunter, podcaster, storyteller, teacher (occasionally), blogger (and AI researcher by day). He/him.;
258 followers129 following948 posts