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Adne Sadeh
Apprentice Jewish monster hunter, podcaster, storyteller, teacher (occasionally), blogger (and AI researcher by day). He/him.;
259 followers129 following948 posts

We appreciate your sacrifice 😂


Those are BOSS


The "Ban on Adolph Hitler" document was put to auction in 2009 on


Practical Kabbalah curse on Adolph Hitler, including a curse on Arabs who supported him. "We deliver to Heaven the judgment on all Arab murderers … & on the famous villain Adolf Hitler the foe son of Klara & his entire nation may their name be blotted out…" (1/2)

Typed Hebrew document with hand written Hebrew edits and additions

"Here under the shelter of this stone, stranger, lies ... Demas, deserting the old age of his very pitiable mother and his pitiable little children and his mourning wife. He helped many men by his skill. Weep for the man who has left the most honourable ... and his city… (3/4)

Here under the shelter of this stone, stranger, lies ...
Demas, deserting the old age of his very pitiable mother and his pitiable little children and his mourning wife.
He helped many men by his skill.
Weep for the man who has left the most honourable ... and his city, and the abodes and friendship of men.
Demas, about 38 years old, in the 54th year, the third of (the month) Hathyr. You too, Alexander, friend of all and without reproach, excellent one, farewell.

"This very unusual epitaph with a prayer for vengeance is found on two tombstones from Rheneia, a little island near Delos. The text of the two stones, one in Bucharest and one in Athens, is identical except for the name of the girl." (2/4)

I call upon and pray to God the Most High, the Lord of the spirits and of all flesh, against those who have treacherously murdered or poisoned the poor Heraclea, who died untimely, and who have unjustly shed her innocent blood; may the same happen to them who have murdered or poisoned her and to their children, Lord, you who see everything, and you, angels of God, for Whom every soul humiliates itself on this day with supplications, (hoping) that you revenge her innocent blood and settle your account with them as soon as possible.

New book! "Ancient Jewish Epitaphs" by P.W. van Der Horst. Academic discussion with translations of Jewish funeral epitaphs from the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Lots of fascinating examples (and, sadly, a lot of "Christian relevance.") 🪦🧵 (1/4)

Book cover. Plain with author name and tile.
Book back.
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Adne Sadeh
Apprentice Jewish monster hunter, podcaster, storyteller, teacher (occasionally), blogger (and AI researcher by day). He/him.;
259 followers129 following948 posts