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Alan Ferrier
I live in Glasgow and my hobbies include arranging my CDs in alphabetical order, discovering new and exotic whiskies, sheep-spotting and flying my kite.
296 followers155 following365 posts

Sir Keir Starmer on Good Morning Britain, 2021.

“I was the Director of Public Prosecutions that prosecuted MPs for breaches of the expenses rules so I know how to take tough decisions and if I get into power I want to clear this up. I don’t think it’s acceptable to simply say, “well, it goes on”, “it’s priced in”, “it’s all right.” It isn’t all right. It needs to be cleaned up, because millions of people out there do not want one rule for those in government and another rule for everybody else. That is not acceptable, and if I were Prime Minister I would make it clear that I’d clean that up.”

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Alan Ferrier
I live in Glasgow and my hobbies include arranging my CDs in alphabetical order, discovering new and exotic whiskies, sheep-spotting and flying my kite.
296 followers155 following365 posts