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Alex Parsons
Democracy Programme Lead / Senior Researcher - mySociety/TheyWorkForYou. Also for some reason Postman Pat reviews.
442 followers465 following308 posts

And here's the basic theory of change: carefully sequencing volunteers and technology can be a very efficient way of increasing surveillance and putting pressure on poorly enforced rules from the outside. Let's see how that goes.

This is what corruption looks like in a high trust society - where the pay-off may be deferred for years, or decades, but is coming all the same. MPs and officials don't need to be explicitly told about job prospects and the kind of actions that would make them less eligible for those job prospects, but understand the system as it has been modelled to then. There are few brown paper bags (but not none) - in general there is more of a series of ambiguous events where money changes hands for individually semi-defendable reasons.

This project is part of extending the system of surveillance to make the brown paper bags even rarer - and highlighting potential conflicts of interest to raise the cost to politicians of entering the more ambiguous space.

You can't *beat* corruption forever, you can just raise the costs in an arms race. Our crowdsourced volunteer model has the potential to significantly and sustainable increase the amount of resources available on the democracy side of the fig

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Alex Parsons
Democracy Programme Lead / Senior Researcher - mySociety/TheyWorkForYou. Also for some reason Postman Pat reviews.
442 followers465 following308 posts