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Alisa Bokulich
Professor @ Boston U, History & Philosophy of Science—esp Philosophy of Geosciences, Director Phi-Geo Research Group, Assoc @ Harvard U. Hist Sci, Radcliffe Institute Fellow Alumn, Settler. Webpage:
5.6k followers2k following3.8k posts
Reposted by Alisa Bokulich

Normalize caring about climate change impacts even if you think they don't affect you personally, b/c they do. My heat goes out to Appalachia in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. I visited Asheville, NC & now have family in the area. It's heartbreaking to see the devastation. #StopBuringFossilFuels


Just 1 window into #Helene devastation, by no means worst (watching videos of people on rooftops w/in inches flood, entire houses floating away) but touches home as an academic: Warren Wilson College in Swananoa, NC w/ students, faculty staff trapped on campus no running water, dwindling provisions.

Despite progress, our challenges are serious and persist. With few and limited exceptions, there is no connectivity on campus, and we are working to secure additional provisions.
Emergency management is asking folks to refrain from travel.
Road closures and dangerous conditions pose serious risks. We heed this advice and encourage everyone to stay on campus for
Thank you for your continued support. Even from a distance, we feel the goodwill.
Due to the ingenuity of our staff, we opened a well of non-potable water on
campus, which will be boiled and used for dish washing and toilet flushing.
• Replenished paper and supplies and added hand sanitizer in the restrooms
across campus.
We will have another community meeting at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.
Food and water will continue to be available. I am in conversation with the Provost about an academic contingency plan. We hope to share specifics tomorrow.
Despite progress, our challenges are serious and persist. With few

Sunrise over a bay with dramatic cloud sky on Sept 28, 2021
Reposted by Alisa Bokulich

High-risk zone? Asheville is at an elevation of over 2,000’ and is at least 240 miles (& Perry, Florida, where Helene came ashore, is almost 400 miles from Asheville) from the ocean. It’s pretty clear that impacts are hard to predict & aren’t just a “coastal” issue.


You know you're at a conference in Canada when they serve Nanaimo bars during the coffee break 😋

A tray of dessert bars including the chocolate topped Nanaimo bars

Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy

Recharging my battery over the conference lunch break...

A river sand bar viewed between trees
Purple & white wildflowers on a rocky beach along a creek.
Red leaves scattered along a path stretching into the woods with green trees.
View from a footpath bridge looking down on a creek with rocky shore
Reposted by Alisa Bokulich
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Alisa Bokulich
Professor @ Boston U, History & Philosophy of Science—esp Philosophy of Geosciences, Director Phi-Geo Research Group, Assoc @ Harvard U. Hist Sci, Radcliffe Institute Fellow Alumn, Settler. Webpage:
5.6k followers2k following3.8k posts