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Mockingbird, MPH, CHES
Public health, reproductive justice, big nerd about tv as health education. Fighting depression and anxiety with cats, bunnies, and raccoons. And being clever never got me very far. she/her
1k followers584 following11.7k posts

And read Cox’s piece, it’s great. My suicidal ideation became a constant drumbeat, and has only gotten modulated, not gone away. I was trying to find out if it was hormones, and told my then OBGYN I’d like to switch birth control to see if it helped the SI. Made clear I wasn’t a danger to myself or


others, had a great therapist and psychiatrist. They called 911 on me and an admin called me about my message and stayed on the phone until the paramedics arrived. They never followed up, never answered my questions about hormones and birth control. I found a new gyno and am careful what I say now.

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Mockingbird, MPH, CHES
Public health, reproductive justice, big nerd about tv as health education. Fighting depression and anxiety with cats, bunnies, and raccoons. And being clever never got me very far. she/her
1k followers584 following11.7k posts