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Andrew Bloomberg
He/him; left-wing history dad; français par mariage; Minnesotan in WI exile (but Paris for the year). Posts lots of trees and food, because I'm too lazy for Instagram.
277 followers383 following2.7k posts

Took the kids to a playground in Les Halles today. Saint Eustache loomed over it, and there were very large and ominous ravens everywhere, staring at people and snatching baked goods. Extremely Goth playground experience

Saint Eustache church in its large gothicness with a playground in the foreground
A raven

I wonder how often they have to tell people that they can’t get a judge to order adult children to like Facebook politics posts


Nou Phone Voo Dees


Phone Dood Wat Nou


If my daughters (assuming they identify as daughters when they’re older) don’t date people who *I* am intimated by because they’re way cooler than me, I’ll consider myself a failure as a dad


Ok here we go. Vampire Weekend mentions Peter Gabriel in “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa, “Henry Hudson” in “Hudson” (naturalized Englishman), and the Stones in “Ya Hey”


Craig Finn - “raise a toast to Saint Joe Strummer,” and there’s got to be at least one more somewhere in there


Got my Wisconsin absentee ballot, now to consult the worm that lives in my brain about the issues that matter to him

A Wisconsin absentee ballot

Made sole meunière with sole that we got from the Norman guy who brings it in to the street market by us. He cut filets from a whole fish and hosed it down in front of us. He didn’t actually have a cigarette dangling from his lip while he did it, but spiritually it felt like he should’ve.

A golden brown fish fillet on a plate, covered in parsley. There’s bread and lemon wedges next to it.

Every time Margot, the 3YO, sees a McDonalds (which is pretty often, both in Madison and Paris) she happily shouts “M for Margot!” So if anyone is interested in my fast food based system for learning to read, you can get in on the ground floor

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Andrew Bloomberg
He/him; left-wing history dad; français par mariage; Minnesotan in WI exile (but Paris for the year). Posts lots of trees and food, because I'm too lazy for Instagram.
277 followers383 following2.7k posts