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10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell
친절한 웅녀시 • 녹차녀 • 🍵🦊 • 흑인의 생명은 소중하다 • 요르단강부터 지중해까지, 팔레스타인은 해방되리라! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 city of χ✶✶✶✶ tech + pr
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Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

this thread tho

i don't understand this economy when nursing homes are so expensive they bankrupt our grandparents but nursing home aides need to use food banks.

daycare is so expensive it eats up one parent's entire paycheck and yet daycare providers only make $10/hr and need second jobs.

😅 those Xbox wallpapers hurt the eye so I'm guessing an actual glitch flag would be less uncomfortable


aren't those just whatever the xbox pride wallpapers are?


kinda funny western ai seems to have the same trouble white people do, which is to think all Asians look the same and all Black people look the same if they can't tell us apart in the office why should we expect their machines to tell us apart anywhere else

Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

There are at least seven confirmed cases of misidentification due to facial recognition technology, six of which involve Black people who have been wrongfully accused

There has been concern that FRT and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies will exacerbate racial inequities in policing and the criminal legal system. Research shows that facial recognition software is significantly less reliable for people of color, especially Black and Asian people, as algorithms struggle to distinguish facial features and darker skin tones. Another study concluded that disproportionate arrests of Black people by law enforcement agencies using FRT may be the result of  “the lack of Black faces in the algorithms’ training data sets, a belief that these programs are infallible and a tendency of officers’ own biases to magnify these issues.”
What is particularly worrying is that the adoption and use of AI, such as FRT, by law enforcement echoes previous examples of the misapplication of forensic science including bite mark analysis, hair comparisons, and arson investigation that have led to numerous wrongful convictions.
Ultimately, what we want is for the people who would be most impacted by the surveillance technology to have a say in whether, and how it’s getting used in their communities,” said Mx. Nandagopalan.
Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

you can say what you want about Chappell Roan but I think it's really notable that the same people who can now rationally recognize the treatment of Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, et al as being horrific and abusive are now the same ones calling her a lazy bitch who can't handle the industry

Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

just released a new YouTube video countering the annoying yet pervasive claim that trans people "reinforce" gender or gender stereotypes. the faulty logic & glaring double standards underlying this argument are thoroughly unpacked – please give it a watch!

Do Trans People Reinforce Gender?
Do Trans People Reinforce Gender?

YouTube video by Julia Serano

Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

In order to determine whether a 15-year-old volleyball player was transgender, Florida police sought out her medical records to determine any changes in her body weight and asked her teammates if they had ever seen her nude. One detective referred to the girl as "it"

Reposted by 10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell

"Police talked to Elizabeth’s middle school guidance counselor and asked her to tell them about Elizabeth’s transition. The counselor said she was worried she’d break the law if she did, but an officer told her 'I am the law.'"

Her trans daughter made the volleyball team. Then an armed officer showed up.
Her trans daughter made the volleyball team. Then an armed officer showed up.

Half the country has banned trans girls from competing in girls sports. Jessica Norton didn’t suspect she’d be punished under one of the bans.

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10,000+ hours of disliking Malcolm Gladwell
친절한 웅녀시 • 녹차녀 • 🍵🦊 • 흑인의 생명은 소중하다 • 요르단강부터 지중해까지, 팔레스타인은 해방되리라! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 city of χ✶✶✶✶ tech + pr
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