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Angel Rassie rassieboi on Twitter
I go OTRB 4/23/13, Pepper join me 5/8/16, we bof FIV+. Luved moms & man much. Old gurl Kitty w/CKF Aug/16 to 3/20/19. She speshul too, die at 20. Harvey heer!!! He be rescue, FeLV+, mental issues #extwitter #exX #cats
2 followers1 following1 posts

I have decided to make my Angel Rassie rassieboi bluesky page politics-free, so please do not share anything other than positive animal-related items. It's not personal so please don't take offense. Thanks for understanding #twitterrefugee#xrefugee#catswelcome#lovecats#savecats

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Angel Rassie rassieboi on Twitter
I go OTRB 4/23/13, Pepper join me 5/8/16, we bof FIV+. Luved moms & man much. Old gurl Kitty w/CKF Aug/16 to 3/20/19. She speshul too, die at 20. Harvey heer!!! He be rescue, FeLV+, mental issues #extwitter #exX #cats
2 followers1 following1 posts