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Cat. Wife. Dog. PhD. Kids. Just here for your takes.
145 followers142 following1.3k posts

lol I read it and thought it was an erudite expression I was unfamiliar with.

Reposted by Ankylodad

Today’s rabbit hole. I really want to do this now. Also: Threads is awful anyway.

A thread from threads about using random made-up words and punctuation marks to break up text posts to avoid their hijacking for use as AI training data on Meta platforms. 

Sample: It obviously noorbik only works to bangoob make my posts useless - unless, of course mmaxxxting, everyone were to start doing it using the same made up words. Hops-puddle.
Thread continues. The obvious difficulty is that it disrupts services like alt text, which I don’t want to do. Hm.
The other problem - perhaps specific to threads - is that the algo may interpret it as noise and bury it. 

This meta-dialogue (ho ho ho) is not in the main thread; it exists only here as recompense for the absence of the borked ur-text.

Sample: At w:hat xom po&int, thou7gh lardek does the s/i\gnal -de;grade oooon too m£uch gogogondu? and t:he w-hole be:c;ome ggggnoi )use(less parpsk?

The double Jr. thing is pretty funny. They’re both just photocopies of photocopies with all the associated loss of fidelity.


Oooh, excited to check this out on desktop and see if you have other videos in the series!

Reposted by Ankylodad

TIL that Yale Law Professor and sex pest Jed Rubenfeld is lead counsel on the nationwide efforts by roadkill enthusiast and sex pest RFK Jr to manipulate where he's on the ballot in order to maximally benefit insurrectionist, rapist, financial fraud, racist demagogue, and sex pest Donald Trump.


Is it too parochial of me to think Netanyahu is escalating/destabilizing things intentionally to aid Trump? I’m a dum dum about this part of the world, and recognize I’m projecting my own filter on it to try to understand what’s going on. Through my filter, looks like Netanyahu wants to boost Trump.

Reposted by Ankylodad

Saw the video of Trump speaking next to Zelenskyy and he's just really really stupid. Just a babbling idiot who can't retain information or even think conceptually on even a very basic level. It's all vamping, all bullshit, no there there

Reposted by Ankylodad

REALLY wish National Weather Service was on this platform. NWS alerts are vital during weather events. Many are ditching X and missing out. The phone weather apps only do so much and really lack context for big storms. #NWS

Reposted by Ankylodad

"I won't vote unless my very specific, personal requirements for your platform are met, period" is baby-brain engagement for lazy assholes. You don't bend the will of the machine when you withhold your vote, you give them permission to ignore everything you say from that point forward.

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Cat. Wife. Dog. PhD. Kids. Just here for your takes.
145 followers142 following1.3k posts