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Rutger K.
Friendly, non-threatening rewriter of medieval history. Operates out of the Low Countries. Purveyor of Fine Puns.
743 followers320 following626 posts
Reposted by Rutger K.

Just posted to History for Atheists, a new and much needed addition to the Great Myths series: "Great Myths 15: What about the 'Dark Ages'?"


Also a bandname.

Reposted by Rutger K.

Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the precious iteration.

Welcome to Metaā€™s future, where everyone wears cameras
Welcome to Metaā€™s future, where everyone wears cameras

Meta really wants to put cameras on your face.

Reposted by Rutger K.

Zero fare transit improves the experience of all riders by making boarding frictionless, it also improves the safety of drivers and transit personnel by removing fare conflicts. Transferring spending from fare enforcement to funding zero fare is straightforward.


Sorry but all I can think of now is šŸŽ¼ You wanna live like the Sermon People You wanna see whatever Sermon People see? šŸŽ¶

a group of people are dancing on a stage with the word pulp in the background
a group of people are dancing on a stage with the word pulp in the background

ALT: a group of people are dancing on a stage with the word pulp in the background


Feeling more than a bit surprised at EITHER my lack of bibliographical research skillz OR the relative lack of scholarship on the sermons of Jacobus de Voragine I cannot shake the thought that good old Foragin' Jack should be a bigger deal than he is?

Reposted by Rutger K.

Prayer researchers: there is a new COST Action (network with EU funding) on Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World. You can apply for one of the 3 working groups here - my biased recommendation is #3 of which I am co-leader:

Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World
Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World

For centuries, prayer has been central to peopleā€™s worldview, to their education and formation, their experience of religion and the Divine, to the creation of societal communities, and to struc...

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Rutger K.
Friendly, non-threatening rewriter of medieval history. Operates out of the Low Countries. Purveyor of Fine Puns.
743 followers320 following626 posts