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Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA
Medical Geographer & Health Services Researcher \ Wife & Mother \ Avid Foodie & Gardener \ Cal, UChicago, & UIUC alumna
1.7k followers633 following1.7k posts
Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

According to WashPo, the main munitions used in the Haret Hreik strike were US-made BLU-109s (2000 lbs). They're a form of "bunker buster" designed to penetrate hardened structures. Remember that many people were likely vaporized by the explosions, so won't be represented in casualty counts.

Israel likely used U.S.-made 2,000-pound bombs in Nasrallah strike, visuals show
Israel likely used U.S.-made 2,000-pound bombs in Nasrallah strike, visuals show

Videos shared by the IDF show fighter jets they say were involved in the Nasrallah operation carrying BLU-109s, an American-made 2,000-pound munition.

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

Accurate. "His signature methodology is to convey relatively boilerplate, already well-known ideas, by rebranding the ideas and wrapping them in stories. And the lubricant of this engine is turning everything into little mysteries.."

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

Nearly 100,000 Asheville residents may not have access to water for weeks, according to a press release shared by the city on Sunday afternoon.

Water situation in Asheville dire
Water situation in Asheville dire

Asheville may not have its water system repaired for weeks; communities across region under boil water advisories.

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

For hurricane relief, I made donations to Appalachian Medical Solidarity and Mutual Aid Disaster Relief. VENMO: AppMedSolid CASHAPP: $Streetside (write FLOOD SUPPORT in the description) & PayPal: Venmo: MutualAidDisasterRelief

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

The federal minimum wage is still $7.25. The tipped minimum wage is $2.13.

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

Gift link: "DNA might contain health information, but unlike a doctor’s office, 23andMe is not bound by the health-privacy law HIPAA. [...] Consumers have assumed this risk without getting much in return."

Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?

The company is in trouble, and anyone who has spit into one of the company’s test tubes should be concerned.

Reposted by Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies

I just spent half an hour looking up gardening resources and staring at pictures of gardens on IG. Gonna transplant some lantana now.

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Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD MA
Medical Geographer & Health Services Researcher \ Wife & Mother \ Avid Foodie & Gardener \ Cal, UChicago, & UIUC alumna
1.7k followers633 following1.7k posts