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Phil The Sheep
Linux, computer and boardgame geek. Likes cheese. Martial Artist. Very Metal. B-movie zombie film lover. Cats. Evil leader of the Woolly Legions Of Doom (tm). World's first official* Cripple Mr Onion champion *probably
656 followers1k following4.7k posts

It was quite satisfying that I was already following most of this list, but useful to find some folks who I didn't know were on here now, and some new folks. More boardgames in my feed =8)

Reposted by Phil The Sheep

Last night, we went out to Pizza Hut for H's Birthday Meal, i made this reconstruction of the Ziggurat of Doom from Warhammer 1st Ed 🤣

Reposted by Phil The Sheep

Skulls for the skull throne

Corn cares not from where the blood flows the little pygmy hippo biting someone Warhammer
Reposted by Phil The Sheep

Old school Games Workshop fan? Here's some nostalgia for you:Old school Games Workshop fan? Here's some nostalgia for you:


But we also played Firefly recently, which was great fun and chaos, and we have been working through One Deck Dungeon, too


I would like to get into more wargaming, but it's finding stuff that my current 2-player opponent enjoys. Hopefully soon we can revisit The British Way and maybe even go full COIN with Colonial Twilight


no get into the black magic of merging companies and all that stuff so I can actually start to run and manage the assets efficiently, and actually make some better money. Other than that I'll play a bit of Warp's Edge for a quick solo, & I'm trying to get into Sherman, and Thunderbolt Apache Leader


I've also been doing a bit of solo gaming as time gives me the chance, or when I'm on my own on game-night. Where I have time I'm playing 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties solo which is really fun but bloody brutal. I'm starting to get the hang of building and running routes, and need to..


A bit of everything, but I tend towards medium-heavier Euros, too. We're in a bit of flux in my group ATM so we're usually 3 but down to 2 this year, so we've shifted a bit and are doing more co-op stuff. My joint-favourite 3 are Age Of Steam, Agricola, and Twilight Imperium.

Reposted by Phil The Sheep

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies
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Phil The Sheep
Linux, computer and boardgame geek. Likes cheese. Martial Artist. Very Metal. B-movie zombie film lover. Cats. Evil leader of the Woolly Legions Of Doom (tm). World's first official* Cripple Mr Onion champion *probably
656 followers1k following4.7k posts