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Ayman S Ashour أيمن عاشور
Egyptian American living mostly in UK. love hiking and running and most things related to RFID technology, startups, history and into peace & reconciliation.
297 followers258 following674 posts

الكارثة التي نراها امامنا وهي محاولة الحوثيين اغلاق باب المندب تأثيرها على اسرائيل محدود جدا ولكن تأثيرها على مصر واقتصادها كبير .. اغلاق باب المندب وتحويل نسبة مرتفعة من الشاحنات إلى طريق رأس الرجاء الصالح بدلا من قناة السويس يعني ضربة جديدة وانهيار جديد للاقتصاد المصري.


ولكن الان واردات اسرائيل الرئيسية سواء سلاح او غيره تصل اليها من أوروبا وأمريكا. بطبيعة الحال هنالك حركة تجارية مع الهند والصين واليابان وغيرهم تأتي لاسرائيل عن طريق البحر الأحمر ولكن من الصعب ان تعتبر مثل هذه الواردات ذات اهمية استراتيجية في الحرب الجارية.


ايران قبل الثورة وسقوط الشاه كانت المصدر الاساسي للبترول لإسرائيل وايران واسرائيل اشتركا في محاولة بناء بديل لقناة السويس لتصدير النفط الإيراني عن طريق الأنابيب بين إيلات وعسقلان على البحر الأبيض المتوسط.


Israeli leaders talk of Palestinian education systems that breeds antisemitism, they are right. But they completely fail to address Israeli education systems that dehumanize Palestinians and brainwashes Israel kids that #Palestinians have no claims to their homeland.


Great article by Ezra Klein on Democratic Party identity, the Party for change & for preservation of status quo:

Opinion | The Democratic Party Is Having an ‘Identity Crisis’
Opinion | The Democratic Party Is Having an ‘Identity Crisis’

They’re built to win in 2024. But what happens afterward?


The US election cycle means that if Iran escalates in the least bit, there will be incredibly loud calls for Iran regime change and the world will literally get on verge of a world war. The neoconservative of the George W. Bush Administration can’t wait for that to happen


The US must hold those responsible for the illegal settlements accountable, not just the extremist individuals who go beyond the laws of an illegal occupation. The settlement movement undermines the 2-state solution, if the US is serious it, it must get serious about penalizing the entire movement.


If the settlement themselves are illegal, can their residents actually be law abiding? Yes & No Yes they are law abiding because they are operating under the occupation authority law … but that occupation in its own right is illegal under International Law.


I have so much to say about the Gaza war but I’m often silencing my self. I’m beyond fear of retribution but, I’m mostly afraid of being misunderstood & pigeonholed.


I’m getting tired of Israelis who talk of Palestinians as people who are intruding on their country and also tired of Arabs who refuse to acknowledge the reality of Israel at any part of historic Palestine. This denial of the other must stop or Mideast will continue endless wars and suffering

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Ayman S Ashour أيمن عاشور
Egyptian American living mostly in UK. love hiking and running and most things related to RFID technology, startups, history and into peace & reconciliation.
297 followers258 following674 posts