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Elia J. Ayoub
dad, husband, writer, post-doctoral researcher, podcaster, editor and human to two dogs. From Lebanon/Palestine, UK based. Founder of The Fire These Times (.com), co-Founder of From The Periphery (.com) and Newsletter writer at Hauntologies (.net)
1k followers240 following579 posts

When I say that mediocrity kills, I mean it. A handful of white men in the US determined whether more people in Gaza, the WB (and now Lebanon) got to continue living or not. I’m just one person and even I had access to the basic info required to deal with the situation. This is criminal.


There are too many mediocre white men in positions of power


While America has outsized influence with Israel, it holds no seats in the Knesset. It does not make Israeli policy. It does not order the Israeli military to bomb schools and invade hospitals and bulldoze Palestinian homes and businesses. Netanyahu never wanted a cease fire, he wants annihilation.


The underlying violence of such a system cannot be overstated. The USA is a mass murdering machine and these men just prove it over and over again. The US gov acts like it is some Greek God who deals with humans as secondary concerns. Absolute monsters

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Elia J. Ayoub
dad, husband, writer, post-doctoral researcher, podcaster, editor and human to two dogs. From Lebanon/Palestine, UK based. Founder of The Fire These Times (.com), co-Founder of From The Periphery (.com) and Newsletter writer at Hauntologies (.net)
1k followers240 following579 posts