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Elia J. Ayoub
dad, husband, writer, post-doctoral researcher, podcaster, editor and human to two dogs. From Lebanon/Palestine, UK based. Founder of The Fire These Times (.com), co-Founder of From The Periphery (.com) and Newsletter writer at Hauntologies (.net)
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"We’ve seen explosions in Tyre, which was supposed to be one of the safe places that people could flee to from here, and that’s now under intense bombardment." It's almost like this is an Israeli playbook they've already done elsewhere or something.

Israel launches waves of devastating air strikes on Beirut neighbourhood
Israel launches waves of devastating air strikes on Beirut neighbourhood

At least six killed, 100 wounded and deaths expected to rise as Israeli strikes flatten apartment buildings in Beirut.


It's almost like this is an Israeli playbook they've already done elsewhere or something --- All to make sure that war will continue as is Netanyahu's wish. No peace until he is kicked out.


To be expected the moment that trotted out the “human shields” trope. From their command bunkers under Tel Aviv, of course.

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Elia J. Ayoub
dad, husband, writer, post-doctoral researcher, podcaster, editor and human to two dogs. From Lebanon/Palestine, UK based. Founder of The Fire These Times (.com), co-Founder of From The Periphery (.com) and Newsletter writer at Hauntologies (.net)
1k followers240 following575 posts